It’s on everything, my fingernails are glued to my skin underneath, I hate everything and most of all I hate spray foam.

Thanks for letting me rant. I normally read instructions before using a product and now I’m avoiding the room where it’s on everything… How fucked am I?

Update: We’ve cleaned most of it up from the room… Our hands, not so much lol. I appreciate the advice and support, hopefully y’all got a good laugh on our behalf :)

Ps. It works great as a diy wax for hairy arms!

  • @[email protected]
    10 months ago

    It’ll eventually wear off your skin. In a few days. On other, relatively non porous surfaces, it can be removed easily once cured. Porous surfaces like wood, cloth, or carpet? Sorry, it’s here to stay.

    • @PrincessTardigradeOP
      610 months ago

      It’s funny because we were trying to get it to stick to wood, which it didn’t seem to stick to that well

      • @lemming741
        110 months ago

        I think a damp sponge first can help it stick

        • @PrincessTardigradeOP
          210 months ago

          This is excellent advice actually! My first instinct after getting it on my skin was to wash it off with soap and water, and learned afterwards that water causes it to cure faster. So it would make sense to dampen the wood to get it to stick better