I did the line challenge through the ocean (ultra hand only, no zonai devices, 3 hearts, 1 stamina wheel, no items except those found, no armor, y160-y175)

  • @LumisalOP
    210 months ago

    Yeah, the bokoblin camp was definitely the funnest. I arrived at night when they were asleep, but then didn’t have enough time to get the bow, so I had link wait hidden behind some metal crates until it was night again to secretly roast the meat I got and get the bow.

    The hardest part though was actually crossing the water gap between the camp and to Lanyru Mountain.

    At first I wanted to do this with no runes, but just couldn’t find any good way to push the single tree I found in my path there to use as a makeshift raft, let alone get it up the rocks as well. And even then I only barely made it, because there was nothing else to stand on that floated, so I used some rocks I found and attached them all together and to the tree to make a pole that stuck out of the water and let me grab my tree one more time to put it far enough to get just enough stamina to make it.