Who’s going? How’s it been?

  • @Arcanepotato
    81 year ago

    We went yesterday and had a good time. It was very hot and there wasn’t a lot of shade at the main stage, but we enjoyed walking around before the bands started and sitting in the shade closer to the smaller stages at the war museum.

    There were food trucks and I think I paid $12 for a cider. There were plenty of portapotties. We were able to go to them between the last opener and the headliner (45 mins) with time to spare. I didn’t get bit by mosquitoes all night!

    We were happy to have brought water and chairs. We sat during some of the earlier performers (and watched screens) and stood for the headliner. In general people didn’t really stand in front of the seated area, but there were a few. People were taking though the headliner in the standing only section which we thought was weird and annoying. Probably not that unusual at a festival where most people may not be as into a particular band.

    Moving around the main stage to access the rest of the festival could be annoying and there was some crowding and pushing but overall people were chill and just having a good time. We left immediately after the encore and while it was crowded, getting onto the LRT was straight forward and there were lots of signs and staff to show the way.