For me the first thing that comes to mind is Tales from Earthsea. I don’t think it’s excellent or anything and has plenty of problems but people act like it killed their dog. While it has its problems that have been covered extensively, I think it has a beautiful atmosphere and art.

IMO it would have been better received if it wasn’t advertised as an Earthsea adaptation and was just its own thing.

    • @Couldbealeotard
      210 months ago

      I wish that didn’t get axed so soon. They even had a comic run for it that only got 6 issues. It was finally a fresh take on Spiderman after the clone saga had everyone exhausted.

    • @FilthyHookerSpit
      210 months ago

      Wait people thought this was bad? I haven’t seen since I was a kid, so my memories are rose tinted