• @[email protected]
    09 months ago

    Fund what? Distract from what? Words help people find other people who share their beliefs and organize politically.

    • K0W4L5K1
      19 months ago

      Their salaries you think politicians would make this much in socialist world? you think money would even be relevent ? How do you think these politicians will take hearing they have to eat shit like the rest of us to fix this world? you think that’ll happen? i dont Agreed on words matterin but so do actions and lately we’ve let those in control do all the actions. When I say a better world I mean everywhere not just america every human deserves to live and this world the way the system is does not allow that

      • @[email protected]
        19 months ago

        Politicians are rich before they get elected, their salaries are not motivating them to stay in politics.

        Have you read Are Prisons Obsolete by Angela Davis? It’s a quick read and that was my introduction to radical left politics.

        • K0W4L5K1
          19 months ago

          I will read it thank you for the recommendation

          Yes I agree they are but what made them get that ability the politics and private corporations the money is the only motivation

          • @[email protected]
            29 months ago

            Awesome I hope you like it, Angela Davis is truly a hero.

            Yeah I agree, politicians are at the behest of corporations and rely on them for campaign funding. One idea is to publically fund campaigns and ban donations, so anyone can run and it’s an even playing field.

            • K0W4L5K1
              19 months ago

              Agreed but so far it only seems plausible on a small scale until their are restrictions on corporations or some sort of benefit for employee owned co-ops