Time magazine called the ex-president’s plans ‘an imperial presidency that would reshape America and its role in the world’

Donald Trump has warned that Joe Biden and his family could face multiple criminal prosecutions once he leaves office unless the US supreme court awards Trump immunity in his own legal battles with the criminal justice system.

In a sweeping interview with Time magazine, Trump painted a startling picture of his second term, from how he would wield the justice department to hinting he may let states monitor pregnant women to enforce abortion laws.

Trump made the threat against the Biden family in an interview with Eric Cortellessa of Time, in which he shared the outlines of what the magazine called “an imperial presidency that would reshape America and its role in the world”.

  • @[email protected]
    810 months ago

    What would the reaction have been had he denied aid to Israel? The answer is fuck off, you made your bed.

    • NoLifeGaming
      -2810 months ago

      His crucial role in support and push for the Iraq War which resulted in the estimated death of 1 million Iraqis and many american troops? Biden has been a war criminal and corrupt way before the palestine issue. You made your bed when you decided to give loyalty to these corrupt criminals. You’re the reason why we have shot candidates and why we have corrupt people in power. Gtfo

      • @brygphilomena
        2510 months ago

        give loyalty

        See, this is where we differ. I am not loyal to Biden. I would support someone else in a heartbeat, have supported others instead of him.

        I am not loyal to him, nor the Democratic party. I am, however, strongly against Trump and practically everything he does and stands for. To that end, I have to do what I can to see that he not be in a position of power again. To that end, I will vote against him, even if that means a. Vote for Biden.

      • @jordanlund
        10 months ago

        LOL - “crucial role”.


        “Biden was a consistent critic of the way the Bush administration handled the war: Its failure to exhaust diplomatic solutions, its failure to enlist a more robust group of allies for the war effort, and the lack of a plan for reconstruction of Iraq. Some of his comments proved to be quite prescient, including his warnings about the likely higher-than-expected cost and length of the war, and the complexity of “winning the peace” once Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein’s regime was toppled.”

        “I will vote for this because we should be compelling Iraq to make good on its obligations to the United Nations,” Biden said. “Because while Iraq’s illegal weapons of mass destruction program do not — do not — pose an imminent threat to our national security, in my view, they will, if left unfettered. And because a strong vote in Congress, as I said, increases the prospect for a tough, new U.N. resolution on weapons of mass destruction, it is likely to get weapons inspectors in, which, in turn, decreases the prospects of war, in my view."

        You really need to stop blaming Biden for the actions of other people.

        • NoLifeGaming
          -1510 months ago

          Cherry picked information to try and down play his role.

          1. Democrats controlled the senate and he was the chair on the senate committee of foreign relations

          “I do not believe this is a rush to war,” Biden said a few days before the vote. “I believe it is a march to peace and security. I believe that failure to overwhelmingly support this resolution is likely to enhance the prospects that war will occur …”

          1. He purposely chose witnesses in the hearing that all had a pro war positions.


          More information can be found in the documentary “worth the price?” (https://youtu.be/rrLFQnlf6lQ)

          Joe biden’s support of israel isn’t anything new, in fact he once said, “were there not israel, the United States would have to invent Israel to protect her interests in the region”


      • @[email protected]
        1210 months ago

        I don’t like that or anything else like it, including Israel, but I know the facts and the realpolitik and it was: rock -> Biden <- hard place. Israel was a big mistake by the USA and UK and as such they’re both attached by a un-severable umbilical. Nobody else would’ve acted any differently.

        My loyalty lies nowhere near Biden’s government - I’m not even from the US, I’m British - I’m just realistic about the breaks. Carry on with the principled stand and see what kind of sainthood it grants you. If you’re voting against Biden rather than opposed to Trump then you really will have a shit sandwich; your bed won’t be made at all, you’ll be sleeping rough.

        • Flying Squid
          10 months ago

          And the only other person who would have been in the position to act would have been Trump. Considering it was Trump who moved the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, I don’t think he would have much of a problem with this genocide.

        • NoLifeGaming
          010 months ago

          Trump is corrupt but so is supporting a God damn genocide. Trump did say to finish up but he also added “you need to get peace” so thats out of context