For me the first thing that comes to mind is Tales from Earthsea. I don’t think it’s excellent or anything and has plenty of problems but people act like it killed their dog. While it has its problems that have been covered extensively, I think it has a beautiful atmosphere and art.

IMO it would have been better received if it wasn’t advertised as an Earthsea adaptation and was just its own thing.

  • krzschlss
    -19 months ago

    No one has the time to watch all movies.

    You are afraid to waste time on a movie you might find bad? How will you know if a movie is good if you never seen a bad movie?

    It’s perfectly OK to watch random movies. Be adventurous, it’s art after all. If you only watch popular movies you’ll never find your niche, something that fulfills your art/entertainment needs.

    • @[email protected]
      79 months ago

      I’ve seen plenty of bad movies, I’m just old and would rather not waste my remaining time on any more of them. Right now my routine is to see what’s available on the services I have, then read reviews on IMDb before watching anything. I tend not to watch popular movies which is why I look them up to get an idea if it’s something I think I’d like.

    • @Leg
      39 months ago

      I agree with this sentiment. I’ll watch literally any movie that catches my eye. If it’s good, I’m happy. If it’s bad, my taste develops and I’m happy. If it’s really bad, I’m having a uniquely great time shitting on an awful movie. The experience is nothing but wins in my book.

      • @fuck_u_spez_in_particular
        19 months ago

        It’s just that time is precious, and other activities can take precedence for some. So after having wasted enough time on bad movies or series, and with this huge amount of movies some kind of prefilter makes sense (for me e.g. a rather high imdb score which I’m often agreeing with)