• @kameecoding
    1271 month ago

    You actually have to be a dumb cunt to hate Skyler, I remember hating her when I first watched BB, because she was the bitch wife messimg with badass Walter, now that I rewatched it as I am older and damn, walter is a proper cunt the whole way through and she is trying navigate a really fucked up situation, I just felt bad for her the whole way through

    • @[email protected]
      421 month ago

      Nah man, I hated Walter from the get go and still hated Skylar. Basically the only characters I liked ended up in Better Call Saul, outside of Hank and Jessie

      • @SeabassDan
        371 month ago

        Hank was a douchebag, and it took Jesse a good while to become somewhat of a decent person.

        • @[email protected]
          31 month ago

          Hank was pretty much the only character who wasnt doing anything wrong (or at least for the most part, I havent watched Breaking Bad in a really long time) the entire show

          • @kameecoding
            201 month ago

            you should rewatch it, Hank is far from a good person.

            season 1: he puts away the Janitor for stealing the chemistry supplies because he had a joint, so casual police racism (I know he is DEA)

            then he goes and does a lot of extra-lawful activities, tracks a citizen without permission in Gustavo Fring, you and I know he is guilty, but think about if he was just randomly following and bugging the vehicle of another PoC US citizen.

            Then he straight up beats up Jessie Pinkman and puts him in a hospital, that is after he tries to break the law again and do an unlawful search on the RV without a Warrant.

          • @SkyezOpen
            71 month ago

            He’s a fed so his whole existence is being wrong

    • @captainlezbian
      351 month ago

      Yeah, she fucks up but like damn give a girl a break her husband got cancer and keeps lying about where he is and what he’s doing.

      • @kameecoding
        411 month ago

        Her husband becomes a psychopathic mass murderer and drug manufacturer

        • @captainlezbian
          191 month ago

          Yeah, but most people start hating her in season 1/2 where she’s kinda a bitch or when she cheats.

            • @naun
              1 month ago

              It’s been a while since I’ve watched, too, but I remember this part because most people misunderstood her motives for cheating, and I’ve had to explain it before. Walter had shown her, at this point, how awful he was and he had also made it clear that she was stuck with him, doing whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted, and that he wouldn’t leave and she couldn’t leave. She was trapped with him. The cheating was a chess-move, a deliberate choice to make him leave, because it was the only way she could make him.

            • @captainlezbian
              51 month ago

              So I’m disagreeing with you here. I think she has reason to believe that her husband is cheating on her at that point and that while not ok behavior, listen she starts the series as stressed as she probably thinks she possibly can get, and then as her husband gets meaner, starts treating their kid worse and in some cases abusively (forcing him to drink alcohol), and then starts behaving in textbook cheater fashion. She snaps and cheats with her boss who shows her kindness and desire. I get it. It’s not good, but if a male protagonist behaved that way he’d be seen as complicated.

          • @kameecoding
            21 month ago

            Her cheating is a response to when she finds out Walter is putting her family at risk and tries to push him away, you should probably rewatch the series.

              • @force
                1 month ago

                Divorce means you possibly get murdered, Walter’s a psychopathic drug kingpin working with the cartel who, for all she knows, has probably gotten a lot of people killed already.

                Divorce is also usually a long and convoluted process in the US, I assume it is in NM too. At the very least it would have put some eyes on them and made other people (including her DEA AGENT BROTHER) confused and possibly looking for answers as to what happened suddenly, especially right after they just had their 2nd kid and are seemingly happy together despite Walt’s cancer diagnosis. At that point she didn’t want Walt getting arrested (possibly because that would also completely shake up her own life), she was just waiting for him to die of his terminal illness so it’d all be over soon.

                It’s always crazy to me when someone suggests that a person stuck in a dangerous relationship just breaks up/divorces/leaves. That’s not how it works.

                Her divorcing Walt would just be completely illogical and serve no purpose other than introducing a whole lot of new worries and complications in her life. As far as she was concerned, Walt would die of cancer in a few months and that’d be that. She didn’t want to bring more risk into it than there already was.

                • @[email protected]
                  1 month ago

                  If she was so worried about divorce what about cheating which is way worse?

                  I mostly dislike here because he is annoying not because she cheated.

                  • @force
                    30 days ago

                    Cheating might be way worse if you’re not completely estranged from your spouse. Depends on the situation. In this, it’s not, divorce would be the nuclear option.

              • @kameecoding
                31 month ago

                what do you think she was trying to force?

                • @[email protected]
                  -21 month ago


                  I haven’t watched the show in a while but did she file for divorce or not? If not I don’t care if she was trying to “force” it or not when she obviously didn’t.

          • @force
            01 month ago

            breaking bad ended over a decade ago…

            • @tacosplease
              61 month ago

              Did I really need to include the /s on that one? It’s old AND everyone knows that’s the point of the show. Figured the sarcasm would be obvious

    • @[email protected]
      91 month ago

      you dont have to be a dumb cunt to hate skyler, she is there to disrupt the part of the show that is the most fun to see (walt’s rise to kingpin)

      like no shit people are going to hate that

      • @kameecoding
        11 month ago

        I could have just said immature cunt, but those kinda go hand in hand, but kinda good on you come on here and prove my point, so thanks for that.

        Nothing more fun then ruining the lives of your Wife, her Sister, your children and getting your Brother-in-law killed, not for money, because he could have made all the money he wanted with gus and got out, no, because of his fucking ego, because he liked it.

        • @[email protected]
          31 month ago

          i didnt say it was fun watching him ruin his family, i said it was fun watching him rise in the criminal underworld

          • @kameecoding
            029 days ago

            can’t separate one from the other, and you also said you disliked her because she was standing in the way of that…

    • @Got_Bent
      71 month ago

      The entire reason I couldn’t get through the show the first time I tried to watch it was because I despised ALL the characters.

      It was years before I was able to get through the first season and on to the rest of the show which was amazing.