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This weekly thread will focus on the phrase “The Cruelty Is The Point”, which may take some explanation.

Frequently on Lemmy (and elsewhere), I see the phrase in comment threads. In my experience, it has been referencing any policy that is contrary to a Liberal or Leftist belief that the thread discusses. I have found the phrase when discussing trans issues, housing, taxes, healthcare, abortion, and many more.

This does not mean it doesn’t exist elsewhere, it is simply where I see it since I spend much of my social media time on Lemmy. If your experience differs, please let us know!

Some Starters (and don’t feel you have to speak on all or any of them if you don’t care to):

  • Do you believe this? If so, why?
  • Is it true / false in some or all scenarios?
  • Is it with certain groups or regarding certain things?
  • Do you feel that speech like this is conducive to fixing societal issues?
  • Is what is considered “kind” always the best course of action?
  • @[email protected]
    45 months ago

    Probably not, although I think Ace is correct that even in the extreme historical examples there is often a “real point”. I probably should have been more clear, but I meant something like “in all the examples I’ve heard of people using this phrase, it didn’t seem true to me.”

    • “Real point” sounds very … “no true Scotsman”-ish. It sounds like the kind of diversion you use which can be applied to literally every situation. It sounds, in fact, very similar to the COVID-19 deniers saying “they didn’t die of COVID-19, they died with COVID-19”. It’s intrinsically impossible to prove after the fact and is thus a perfect diversion.

      When the “real point” from a body of people seems to always, with almost no exception, include cruelty to some target—doubly so when it’s always the same target!—that whole “real point” thing starts to wear thin. It sounds very much like a diversion of a particularly ugly sort: the kind of diversion that people with no skin in the game make while treating human lives as just a data point in an intellectual exercise.

      Is my language strong here? Yes. Because I’m in several of the fucking target demographics of much of the “not the real point” cruelty: female, (half-)Asian, and bi. It’s not some hypothetical mental exercise for me when I see one policy after another whose “real point” seems to always be aimed “by coincidence” at me and mine. At women. At visible minorities (Asians—especially the perceived-Chinese—in my case). At the queer community. And I can’t help but be amazed at how these “real points” always seem to have one of a small set of sub-groups in the cross-hairs. But it’s all by coincidence, of course.

      The cruelty isn’t the point. It’s just coincidentally always the outcome. Aimed at the same targets. Of course.

          • Lynching.
          • Jim Crow laws.
          • Any “tough on crime” bills that seem to always wind up aimed mostly at black and Hispanic people. (Quite by “coincidence” I’m sure!)
          • Any anti-terrorism laws that always seem to sweep up “terrorist speech” of minorities (esp. “Muslims”) yet somehow completely misses the terrorist speech of actual white terrorists who then proceed to do mass shootings (of minorities, natch!) or who blow up federal buildings.
          • “War on Drugs” laws that seem to always go after the crack users, but hardly ever apply to the coke heads in Wall Street (or in fucking Congress for that matter!); laws that throw black and Hispanic people into jail (often for life after the “tough on crime” bills nail them for “three strikes”) while barely slapping the hand of middle-class suburban white dudes who are doing exactly the same thing: smoking a bit of weed.

          Oh, and, naturally, of course:

          • every single fucking time an old white dude decides to legislate a woman’s uterus.

          “By their fruits shall ye know them,” as the Bible says. You can claim that every one of this (very small sample) list of policies and laws has a “real point” … yet that real point is almost always held to the throat of an out group. Women are too uppity for the modern conservative, so practical biological enslavement is introduced. Not to stop termination of unwanted pregnancies (sex education has been proven time and time and time again to be far more effective at this!, not to mention that the support for the life of the child ends the moment the baby pops out of the mother…), but to keep women where “they belong”: under the thumb of powerful white men. You can claim that all the crime and drug bills are aimed at reducing crime, but the numbers show that these are quite thoroughly debunked as a way of actually reducing crime, and they also show that they’re disproportionately aimed at minorities that, get this, conservative assholes hate, even if the laws’ wording is “neutral”. We’ve seen the “real point” of all these laws and many more, and it points not to “law and order” as the real goal, but rather the control of out-group people through terror. The cruelty is, in fact, the actual point.

          It’s all very nice for a white dude to sit there, look at the wording, and treat this as an intellectual exercise. White brodudes hardly ever feel the consequences of these nice intellectual puzzles, after all. Their skin isn’t in the game. “The law’s wording doesn’t reference hatred of minorities or of women, so it must have another point.” But those of us who get that point shoved deep into our body politic while watching it completely bypass white folk and especially white men get the intended message: “fear us and don’t step out of line”.

          The cruelty is the point.

          • @[email protected]
            15 months ago

            I’ll concede on the lynchings and Jim Crow. If the goal is to torture and kill someone then cruelty is obviously the point.

            Regarding the rest, and specifically abortion, I think you could still say that it’s not accurate to claim that the cruelty is the point. No (or few) anti-abortion people are anti-abortion specifically to hurt women. They’re trying to stop abortions from happening. Mostly because they think it’s murder, but partially because they think that the risk of pregnancy will stop people from having sex.

            If there were a way to stop abortions from happening that (somehow) didn’t place constraints on what women could or couldn’t do with their bodies, and it didn’t conflict with any other beliefs of the anti-abortion people (like sex ed does with Christian morality), they would probably be for it.

            The phrase “the cruelty is the point”, to me, implies that the cruelty is the goal. If the people advocating for cruelty would take a non-cruel option that accomplishes the same goal, then the goal wasn’t cruelty.

            • Again, I say “by their fruits shall ye know them”.

              There is always an excuse. There is always a reason. But it’s a staggering coincidence that these excuses and reasons are almost invariably pointed at and/or applied to subgroups who are not in favour: visible minorities, women, LGBTQ+, etc. Where are the policies that accidentally hurt, say, white men? Where are the policies that accidentally inconvenience wealthy people?

              No, sorry, I don’t believe in that much coincidence. I know they don’t use the language of hurting visible minorities, women, the queer community, etc. but it completely beggars belief that they don’t a) know what the impact is, and b) want that very impact.

              But again, what do I know? I’m just someone with skin in the game. I guess I should defer to the white dude who is my better because he has the clearer view from his purely theoretical stance.

              • @[email protected]
                25 months ago

                I’m not disputing that minorities and women have been the target of discrimination, but the question is whether the phrase “the cruelty is the point” is accurate. There are obviously times when it is, as in some of the cases you’ve described, but most of the time when I see someone saying “the cruelty is the point”, they’re referring to conservative policies on things like immigration or abortion, which have goals aside from cruelty.

                I think that the phrase is often used to demonize conservatives. If the cruelty is the point, then everyone who supports the policy is knowingly cruel and malicious.

                • Again you utterly fail to address the point I’ve repeated at least four times now.

                  Please come back when you’re willing to address the elephant in the room I keep pointing to. Until then I’m not going to bother responding because you are not listening.

                  I’m so absolutely and thoroughly weary of the detached attitude of those who are in no way meaningfully impacted by the policies in question and who can thus treat it as an intellectual exercise where it’s mere symbol manipulation.

                  • @[email protected]
                    15 months ago

                    Your point, as I understand it, is that lots of policies both past and present are cruel to or unfairly impact women and minorities, and this suggests that the cruelty is the intended outcome, rather than whatever the stated goals were of any individual policy.

                    Is that what you’re saying?

              • Ace T'KenOPM
                15 months ago

                I’ll probably be using this as next weeks weekly thread, but I would argue that current immigration policies hurt the non-wealthy which would include any white men who aren’t wealthy. It’s one of the few policies where I don’t agree with any political party.

                Not to break into my Econ schooling, but also DEI initiatives, social assistance policies, scholarships, grant funding, many hiring initiatives, and almost everything I experienced in many predominantly non-white countries overseas could be framed as “hurting white men” in the same way the policies you listed above. It really depends on the lens you use to view things.

                Most of these (including things you mentioned) are put into place by the wealthy to maintain things as they are, and yes, some white men are wealthy. I’d remove race and sex from things though and draw the battle lines elsewhere, say “gross and abusive amassing of wealth.”

                • It’s easy to remove race and sex from things when you’re not in the group that’s taking it in the neck.

                  The Tulsa Race Massacre wasn’t done by people performing “gross and abusive amassing of wealth”. It was done by ordinary white folk who didn’t like black folk enriching themselves in Greenwood (the so-called “Black Wall Street”). Again the cruelty was the point. It was specifically used to destroy hope for black folk. You can pontificate all day about the “real point” but at the end of the day all these “real points” are directed at specific people and cause cruel suffering to those specific people.

                  When does the pattern click for you?

                  • Ace T'KenOPM
                    5 months ago

                    I wanted to make sure I came back to this when I had the time in real life. For what I state, you should know that I was an extremely meek child and hardly a troublemaker.

                    • When I lived in Saudi Arabia as a white 14-year old male. I was held at assault rifle point multiple times and robbed.
                    • When I lived in Thailand at 15, I was sexually assaulted by a trans-woman.
                    • When I lived in Cincinnati at 16, I was beaten by a group of African American kids I went to school with.
                    • When I lived near Edmonton at 17, I was beaten by a teacher for missing my homework.
                    • When I lived in Medicine Hat at 10, I was punched in the face by a teacher for sitting in the wrong spot.

                    None of these are made up or exaggerated experiences. Cruelty wasn’t the point of any of these. The point was (in order) robbery, sexual gratification, power, power, and power.

                    Misassigning motive is harmful because it stops you from addressing the issues presented and assumes that people are “lost causes.” I don’t believe that to be the case. You can’t fix something where the point is cruelty, because people can’t get a fix of cruelty in other ways. You can try to repair other issues however.

                    We want the same outcome, but I want to find out how to get there without pushing people out of the solution.