An option for me to buy a house has come up very suddenly and it seemed like a good idea at first - but I look at a mortgage and think “that’s 15 years I’ll spend paying back, at absolute minimum. Probably more like 25 years” - how can I possibly plan that far in advance?

So, how did you feel about getting a mortgage and seeing such a serious commitment stretch so far into the future? I’m mainly talking about the emotional side of things rather than financial

  • @brygphilomena
    910 months ago

    It was scary. But my mortgage itself isnt too bad. The amortization schedule was scarier, as the first several years you’re almost paying just interest. And you get to see just how much it costs over the total life of the loan.

    But I like my house, I feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. I can enjoy doing the fixes myself, and cry when things are so expensive to repair. There are so many things I want to do, but can’t afford to at the moment.

    I am really enjoying getting my yard they way I want. And it’s even nicer to have a place that my girlfriend and her daughter can move in.

    The house has appreciated 10% in the last two years. And as inflation keeps happening, it devalues the loan. The money I owe is worth less and less and the property I own is worth more and more. At least in general, that’s how it should work.

    Property taxes are pricey, but I’m happy with paying them for what I get in the city and neighborhood I’m in.