• @gardylou
    101 month ago

    Its wild to me that he can’t recognize that the media landscape is a fundamentally different beast than it was in the 1970s or even the 1990s. People don’t sit down to all collectively watch one thing at this point, the family gathering around the TV each night is dead. Hell, I think it was a central theme of a South Park episode, you know, that ribald show with the vulgar jokes that is pretty much the artistic vision of two specific creators doing whatever they want creatively–a show you’d be amazed to find still exists the way people talk about the contemporary state of comedy.

    Like buddy, primitime shows have become 60% police procedurals aimed at an aging audience still primarily watching TV. That ain’t because the “PC” crowd has demanded it LOL.

    • @RememberTheApollo_
      41 month ago

      Never even considered the fact that police procedurals are still the dramatized version of cops’n robbers kids games where good guy and bad guy are obvious and no thought is required. Just get the bad guy, throw them in jail. Seems to suit the simplified version of reality a segment of our population prefers, minus the police brutality the shows generally don’t include.

      • Gloomy
        11 month ago

        To be fair, many Youtuber and Tiktokers that are watched alternatively by younger people aren’t intellectual powerhouses presenting super complex content. Not that it’s not there, I have a couple of more informative-ish chanels I like to watch, but there is nothing intellectual challenging watching a video about the speedrun history of kings quest IV.

        • @RememberTheApollo_
          1 month ago

          Lol, nobody suggested that the vapid and shallow content on YT or TikTok had any particular value to it. The point is that procedural dramas have an underlying format popular with an age group that might have an affinity for such a format because it aligns with personal narratives they prefer.

          Unless of course you are suggesting that the generation viewing TikTok and YT are as vapid and shallow as the content they prefer?

          • Gloomy
            11 month ago

            After reading the comment again: yeah, you are right, I missed the point.

            Unless of course you are suggesting that the generation viewing TikTok and YT are as vapid and shallow as the content they prefer?

            No, not what I was suggesting at all.

    • @John_McMurray
      1 month ago

      Did they not? Maybe that’s exactly what he’s talking about. Take a real close look at producer credits and compare those names politicians