• @PopOfAfrica
    10 months ago

    What are you talking about? We have been moving rightward ever since the Clinton administration, baring a handful of social issues. Are you genuinely telling me that we are more left leaning now than we were under the new deal politics before Reagan?

    All we’ve progressed in is gay and civil rights, which is good. Economically and by most other metrics, we’ve slid Faaaaar to the right.

    It’s not a good look for your position on slow incremental change that the entire apparatus can collapse in one election.

    • BarqsHasBite
      10 months ago

      You said radical, that was Trump. You think Clinton change was radical? No that was Trump. Can’t forget Bush either! You know the one that lied his way into war. But you want to suggest everything was all Clintons fault or something? C’mon be better than this weird game you’re playing. Like really, do you think it would be more right or more left without Bush and Trump? That’s the Overton window.

      BTW Clinton had to be moderate because he was going against an incumbent.

      Yeah I could go over different issues, but you’re already trying to poopoo them away. So I’ll broadly address economics with we have regulated capitalism. One party wants to remove regulation (Gop because I think you’re trying to be obtuse) and be entirely free for all, no EPA or anything. And one wants proper regulation (again, Dems because think you’re trying to be obtuse).

      And because or your silly weird games, I’m out.

      • @[email protected]
        010 months ago

        And because or your silly weird games, I’m out.

        Don’t let the door hit you on the way out!