At least I gave some humanity to my class adversaries, you are dehumanizing a militia (of workers), they will dehumanize your militia (of workers), nobody won.
An Orc is a racist form to call many humans, Bidet is only a decadent representant of the deep state, I do not defend the power, I defend the people, ukranian or Russian, who you bone head call orcs.
We don’t need AI suggestions, Bidet (n) already sent some nuclear arsenal to the “president” Zelenzki. Crazy ruler class is enough.
A wild orc appears
At least I gave some humanity to my class adversaries, you are dehumanizing a militia (of workers), they will dehumanize your militia (of workers), nobody won.
You literally dehumanized another human being six words into your own post.
I gave them names, you are calling people Orc… problem? murican toxic hate here.
You referred to the American president as a bidet.
An orc is still a sentient creature. A bidet is not.
You are the one who is truly guilty of dehumanization. You refuse to acknowledge that your opponents are even capable of feeling.
An Orc is a racist form to call many humans, Bidet is only a decadent representant of the deep state, I do not defend the power, I defend the people, ukranian or Russian, who you bone head call orcs.
An orc is a violent and backward representative of a people ruled by a corrupt, power-hungry dictator.
I do not defend orcs, whether in Tolkien’s books or the Russians who currently resemble them.