Tesla “ultra-hardcore” cuts stall EV charging projects.

  • Optional
    5 months ago

    Tesla had also accepted $17 million in federal EV charging grants before gutting the Supercharger team.

    In reality, Tesla is doing the opposite of expanding its network. Sources told Electrek that Tesla canceled four New York-area Supercharger locations, backing out of the leases, giving credence to Musk’s prediction of slower installations.

    . . . Elsewhere, projects to install Tesla’s slower Level 2 destination chargers at apartment complexes have also been affected. A condo owner named Don Burke posted on X that his building was in the middle of installing four chargers when the project stalled. Burke said his emails to Tesla employees have bounced back, and there’s no indication that there’s anyone left at the company who can help.

    . . . Over on Reddit, a commenter posted that their $7,000 project is also in limbo since Tesla needs to fix the software, but no one is responding. Another contractor related how his project building a 43-charger station has been canceled after their contact at Tesla said the entire team was fired.

    Tesla also has a big contract with Hilton to install up to 20,000 chargers at hotels, but it’s unknown if the project will be affected. A spokesperson for the hotel chain did not respond to a request for comment.

    What a freaking embarrassing turd circus. How can anyone think this guy is capable of running a lemonade stand much less several huge companies. Pathetic.

    It’s trumpian in its gruesome ineptitude.