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The original was posted on /r/coolguides by /u/FayeFawns on 2024-05-04 15:23:31.
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The original was posted on /r/coolguides by /u/FayeFawns on 2024-05-04 15:23:31.
Ah, yeah, it certainly is impossible to get only bees. 😅
I’m not actually a biologist or insect hotel expert myself. You’ll probably get much better advice, if you ask in e.g. [email protected].
Given their camouflage, though, I imagine, they mostly want bushes to hide/hunt in. Maybe also don’t rake the leaves in autumn right away.
Well, and you would probably actually want many other insects in your garden, for them as prey.
It’s one of those self-perpetuating behaviours. The more you spend time in the garden improving plantlife, the more animals you see especially on the microscopic level, the greater your interest. Good fun.
Thank you very much!