• @[email protected]
    95 months ago

    These kids are gonna feel none of the blowback when trump wins and when actual palestinians ask them why they let the Genocide come here they’ll give some karen shit about how it’s the party’s job to convince them to vote against fascism happening here.

    • hannes3120
      525 months ago


      “Genocide Joe” seems like the perfect republican plot to make people abstain from voting because the deliberately leave out how Trump would make matters 100 times worse.

      Biden is constantly challenging Netanyahu while Trump would deliberately hand them a full and permanent occupation of Palestine on a silver plate.

      People already forgot that it was trump who moved the embassy to Jerusalem basically destroying the USAs support for a two state solution?

      • @Eldritch
        165 months ago

        Yes it’s actually quite despicable. Anyone using the brain dead slogan of genocide Joe is literally downplaying genocide. This isn’t a defense of biden. Biden is making his own problems here. What he is doing is enabling. Not committing genocide. Even then he actually has been pushing diplomatically for it to stop. I get it though. Enabling Biden or enabling Joe doesn’t really have the propaganda punch. Not like Bibi The Butcher of Bethlehem.

        People don’t want diplomacy. They want what they want. And they don’t care or understand how they could get it. It’s easy to make demands. Anyone can do it. Getting things done is a lot harder. This isn’t too attack anyone putting pressure on Biden to put pressure on Netanyahu. Just the irresponsible ones making it genocide belittling propaganda slogans.

      • @slumlordthanatos
        155 months ago

        It would be the ideal platform for the GOP to run on…if they weren’t also in AIPAC’s pocket like the Democrats and Biden.

        • @candybrie
          55 months ago

          The GOP isn’t going to run on it. They’re going to use it as a tool to get people who would otherwise vote against them, to not vote or to vote third party. It isn’t about what their stance on the issue is.

      • @Furbag
        105 months ago

        Oh, you bet. Republicans are getting a big fat chub over this topic. This war in Gaza is the best thing that could have ever happened to them in the year long run up to the election. Wouldn’t doubt that China and Russia are also responsible for spreading the message to sow discord and doubt. For every person they successfully convince to stay home on election day, that shortens that gap between Trump and Biden by one less vote in Trump’s favor, not to mention the even more important down ballot races.

        Forget trying to explain this to people on Lemmy, though. They’re not interested in listening.

      • @[email protected]
        5 months ago

        Ewww… Sanity.

        Cant wait for 20 bad faith actors to drop in and downvote the shit out of u the second this post/comment starts picking up steam.

        E: here they are! This post kicked off with 6 or 7 comments all echoing this sort of sanity, but here come the downvote brigade making it look like truth is less popular than fiction. Per the usual, calling it out angers the vlad supporters greatly. Of course its the usual suspects, too, come to defend their paid comrades efforts to fuck up our elections.

        As someone pointed out before, its all goebbels style repetition of the same continually disproven points, but hearing it enough plants the seed in enough minds to where it starts to sound like truth.

    • @[email protected]
      5 months ago

      Yeah, we should let Joe do genocide because if we don’t, Trump will do genocide 😢


        • @[email protected]
          105 months ago

          Obviously Trump would be much worse. No sane person would say otherwise, and I do object to his campaign.

          The point is, Biden has always, and continues to support the apartheid and slaughter of countless Palestinians. This cannot be ignored.

          Right now, Biden is in office and is signing bills to send bombs to Israel which will be used to kill Palestinian families.

          These protests are an effort to end such policies, and reduce funding to companies who participate in the genocide.

          The protests are an effort to force Biden to make an effort to end this tragedy.

          • @Daft_ish
            5 months ago

            You guys will protest your way to a Trump presidency like a bunch of fools. Happens every 4 years, the rubes fall for the third party push.

      • @surewhynotlem
        65 months ago

        Yes. Exactly. Because while Joe might do genocide there, Trump will do genocide here.

        Or would you prefer to sacrifice your trans neighbors for your righteousness?

        • @[email protected]
          105 months ago

          I don’t think you understand what protests are. Protests exist to influence policy. If Mr. Joe wants votes, change policy, get votes. It really is simple!

          Remind me how Mr. Joe is protecting trans people down in the southern states?

          • FenrirIII
            05 months ago

            Is the president a king? Can he unilaterally decide policies and enforce them on states? Where did you get your education? North Korea?

              • @AdrianTheFrog
                15 months ago

                Our government does not give him the power. I’m taking a class on the US government right now and this is literally just how it works. We give that power to congress and the states, and we can’t really change that without a constitutional amendment. This is with regards to trans rights in the south, he does actually have some more power when it comes to Israel.

          • @AdrianTheFrog
            05 months ago

            Remind me how Mr. Joe is protecting trans people down in the southern states?

            The president can say “Hey Congress, can you make this bill?” but Congress has no obligation to listen to him. Unless trans rights are being violated specifically by executive agencies, the president’s influence is pretty limited.

            It’s different with Isreal, in that Biden has to approve foreign aid bills made by Congress, he himself expresses support for aid to Isreal, and he has the power to make treaties (as long as Congress approves them)

      • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
        5 months ago

        Joe Biden isn’t doing a genocide.

        You realize plenty of very smart people do not agree that there is a genocide happening in Gaza?

        It’s a warzone in a place with a culture of encouragement for willingly standing under incoming bombs to try and prove a point.

        The low five-figure civilian death toll is not a product of Israel’s legitimate self-defense (targeting the 450 miles of tunnels that zigzag an area only 25 miles wide). It is a direct product of Hamas and the culture that it fosters in Gaza.

        How sad are these morons going to be when Trump gets in and starts off a war that kills millions of people? Trump already tried once and the only reason we avoided it was because of the international backlash against Iran after it tried to shoot down a US bomber but accidentally shot down its own civilian airliner.

        “Genocide Joe” is a foreign propoganda meme. People saying it have been tricked.

          • @[email protected]
            75 months ago

            No. Its not a joke, but this is also not the opinion of most of us that are tired of hearing the run up to our election be spammed with nothing but how biden is singlehandedly responsible for netanyoohoos disaster.

            Gaza is a genocide. The IDF is out to exterminate a culture via bombs and a refusal to providebasic life sustaining resources. That is pretty plain as far as definitions of genocide go as best as i can tell.

            At the same time, im also aware that hamas was egged on by another deranged dictator to distract from the war hes waged on a country he calls a stepping stone to the denazification of eastern europe. Im aware that status quo joe is the only one of the 2 candidates that stand a chance in our election to support Ukraine, just as im aware that his stance on israel is a continuation of US policy for the past 70 yrs. I will add that im aware hes the first president ive had in my lifetime to even verbally acknowledge that what israel does is morally repugnant (calling for new israeli elections), just as im aware that US soft powers are critically endangered geopolitically as our allies fear we change our mind on whos a friend depending on whos in power. I can guaran-fucking-tee u that if Bernie was pres and tried to stop arms sales to israel, 70 senators would be ready to override him and call him an anti semite. The whole genocide joe nonsense is drummed up by foreign bad faith actors keen on installing a foreign stooge as our head of state, again, by disengaging our youth from the political process we have.

            I support the protests bc i support palestine. I dont support joe biden any more than filling in the box next to his name in november. I dont support the genocide joe narrative bc i find it clear that it is being used for nefarious ends by hostile foreign powers.

            • @[email protected]
              35 months ago

              how biden is singlehandedly responsible for netanyoohoos disaster

              No, but he did sign the bills to give them the bombs, and has supported the apartheid regime for his entire career.

              if Bernie was pres and tried to stop arms sales to israel, 70 senators would be ready to override him and call him an anti semite

              OK, I guess nobody should even try to stop it then.

              The whole genocide joe nonsense is drummed up by foreign bad faith actors

              Ah yes, college students. The classic foreign agents.

                • @EndlessApollo
                  -25 months ago

                  Those are literally copied and pasted from your comment xD Jesus Christ you’re not even trying here are you?

          • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
            5 months ago


            No, the US alliance with Israel protects peace and stability for tens of millions of people. Just have my eye on things that actually matter. Gaza is a footnote in middle east history.

            I think you’re bloodthirsty. You want to see scuttle an alliance that has stopped Iran from open, hot war against Israel. That war would definitely kills millions of people, any way you slice it.

            You’re so sad about 30,000 people that you want millions of people to die. That’s blood thirst. I actually want the killing to stop, and so does Israel.

            Hamas could surrender and end the violence tomorrow. But Hamas is content to hole up underneath buildings filled with their own families and neighbors. That’s who you’re risking millions of lives to defend.

            • @[email protected]
              25 months ago

              Absolutely vile.

              To support the wholesale slaughter and intentional targeting of women and children is monstrous. The IDF tracks victims to their homes, then drops a bomb on their entire family. You think noncombatants and children deserve to die? What about the humanitarian workers trying to prevent mass starvation induced by the IDF’s bloodlust?

              an alliance that has stopped Iran from open, hot war against Israel

              Absurd. Israel has consistently proven to be the agitator against both Iran and Palestine. Israel has been assassinating Iranian scientists within Iran for years and bombed the Iranian embassy without warning. Israel is begging for blood. Their actions will only fuel hatred.


              • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
                -35 months ago

                That’s nice you feel that way. Virtually the entirety of of the western diplomatic and intelligence corps disagrees with your threat assessment of Iran.

                Iran funded the October 6 attack and has been funding violence against Jews since before Israel was even a state.

                Moreover, Iran is a far-right religious dictatorship that has no future in the modern world. The future is in representative government and inalienable human rights. Iran would have you executed for talking about either one. Glad you like them, though.

                • @[email protected]
                  -25 months ago

                  Iran is a far-right religious dictatorship that has no future in the modern world.

                  And Israel is not exactly this? Don’t make me laugh.

                  The future is in representative government and inalienable human rights.

                  Yeah, you showed that you really respect human rights when you said the deaths of 30,000 civilians was justified.

                  In case you have forgotten, during the creation of the Israeli state in 1948, this was originally Palestinian land. The native Palestinian were forcibly expelled and massacred by the Israeli Jews.

                  Condoning Israel’s aggression does not mean Iran is without issue.

                  • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
                    5 months ago

                    Yes the Ottoman empire held the land before Israel was created in 1948. They took us violently from Hebrew speaking Semitic peoples called the Judites. They were forcibly expelled by the Ottomans.

                    And Hamas knows this too, as they find (and destroy) Hebrew artifacts all the time whilst digging the tunnels.

                    The land records don’t weigh in Palestinians favor, unless you open your history book to the last one third and pretend there is nothing before it.

                    I didn’t say 30,000 deaths is justified. I said Hamas caused the deaths. It is not justified. And this is in part why Hamas must not strangle another generation of Palestinians.

    • azuth
      55 months ago

      Dude actual Palestinians are not going to give a crap for Trump’s ‘genocide’ in the US. They have a real genocide inflicted upon them to deal with.

    • @PugJesus
      -105 months ago

      “Um, aktually sweatie, if the Palestinians didn’t want US jets running sorties on the West Bank, they should have convinced the DEMONRATS to run a better candidate”

      Don’t worry - just as “BIDEN HATES UNIONS” was the drumbeat before October 7, so too would they find some other excuse to make life worse for the oppressed if Biden cut off all aid to Israel tomorrow.