Here are a few discord comments about the situation from the Helldivers 2 discord:

  • @Focie
    310 months ago

    It’s not even much data at all. A game dev friend of mine took a look at what is shared through Steam’s own API, and it’s just a unique ID basically verifying that the steam account belongs to that steam user. The worst they can do with that is ask if the user already owns this or that game, likely just from the same publisher.

    They probably just want the ability to better ban people if they are griefing other players (or make sure people can’t cheat their way to more super credits)

    The whole thing is such a nothing burger from sony’s part, it makes it even more absurd that they’re doing this!

    • lazynooblet
      510 months ago

      I’ve seen this said a few times. Armed with the steam id already, what does having the PSN account improve on?

      If they can get a new steam account, they can get a new anything account.

      • @Focie
        110 months ago

        If I had to guess, I’m guessing it would add another layer that MOST griefers aren’t willing to go through, but let’s be honest… Look at the shit show here. No amount of ban control has to be worth getting your game delisted in 170 countries :P