I’m Jewish and have been told very angrily that I killed Jesus more than once. It’s fun.

  • @Paragone
    10 months ago

    “Christians” have been systematically mis-interpreting their bible for centuries.

    Here is the Complete Jewish Bible’s rendition of a particular phrase used in Revelations, which implies, clear as day, that “those who call themselves Christians, but are a temple of _________” is equally valid


    “Christians” read John, read that he called benJoseph :“rabbi”, repeatedly, read that benJoseph called biblical-legalists “Hypocrites!” repeatedly, and ?won’t? understand that John was criticizing the “Jews”, ( with falsifying-quotes, which hadn’t been invented yet ), and not Jews,

    and instead of accepting that John was criticizing/attacking the false “Jews”, the biblical-legalists who contempted everything in Isaiah & legally convicted benJoseph to get rid of him,

    …they went around murdering Jews ( the Catholic Inquisition was waging war against both women & Jews, ttbomk ).and had the gall to be doing it, in their words, “in the name of the king of Jews”.

    Ideological-gymnastics, not proper reasoning, right?

    IF the repeated-throughout-scripture claim that God/OceanOfAllAwakeSouls provides help at every change between Ages

    ( between Age of Taurus & Age of Aries was Moses,

    between Age of Aries & Age of Pisces was benJoseph,

    one might presume that benDavid would be now-ish,

    & Metatron/Alpha+Omega would then be at the punctuation between the Age of Aquarius & the Age of Capricorn )

    if that promised-help is true/real, then the false-Jews, false-Christians, false-Muslims, false-Buddhists, false-Hindus, etc, would be walking into a kind of trap: what they’re sowing, they’re going to be reaping, aka Karma, involuntarily & … rather-long-term, right?

    My apologies to you for being accused by “Christians”, & others, who reject the actual-evidence available before their own eyes.

    If it’s any consolation, the rabid on this world, who worship their-own-ideology/prejudice,

    instead of what the various scriptures were alluding-to,

    would seem to be the vast majority of the world’s population, which is going to be making the rest of this century turn into an ocean of attrition, on all sides.

    Nobody’s going to be escaping the lesson.

    Any remnant of humanity who survives, is going to be profoundly changed by the experience of what’s being set-up, these years.

    _ /\ _

    PS: I’m holding that real Jew is like Isaiah, with spirit-centered/anchored values,

    & false “Jew” is like the biblical-legalists, or Netanyahu’s ilk, with other “values”…

    & real Christian is like some Christian medical-missionaries who just go live somewhere & help, letting their religion show through their devoted life,

    whereas the false “Christians” are the ones who “read” the bible, then attack “woke” ( benJoseph was the “wokest” guy in the New Testament ) “socialist” ( benJoseph provided free healthcare to anyone who’d spiritually-earned it, & gave free food to thousands, right? Socialist as can be ) progressives.

    While mom tried making me Catholic, when I discovered that I’d earned some Soul-memories of previous-lives, that weren’t human lives, then all the Abrahamic religions were nuked, for me:

    Empiricism’s the only religoin that MUST lead to one’s Soul, one’s “kingdom of GOD, within”, as benJoseph called it, one’s CellOfGod.

    Either empiricism works, or all Universe is just an arbitrary rigged scam, obviously, right?

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