As read by ORF on the broadcast right now, McLaren PR has reached out to media with a statement that they did not invite Donald Trump into their garage.

Trump came for an unannounced visit shortly before the start of the Miami GP.

  • @RidcullyTheBrown
    -145 months ago

    i’m sure you’d do that individually, but not in an official capacity. This comparison is very funny, F1 used to race in Sochi and Putin himself handed over the trophies. This only stopped when international sanctions were placed on Rusia. There are none on Trump so no, an F1 team cannot cause an international incident by itself. Stop pretending you don’t understand this

    • @[email protected]
      5 months ago

      Throwing out / denying access to a civilian is not “causing an international incident”.

      Just as their PR can write up a calm statement why he was allowed, they could have come up with a calm statement why he wasn’t.

      Sports was never and will never be not political. See your Putin example, or the last world cup, or the taking a knee protests,…

      • @Woozythebear
        25 months ago

        The fuck you mean sports isn’t political? So I guess saying the national anthem while having jets flying above isn’t political…

        The Olympics deciding who can and can’t compete based on what their countries government is doing isn’t political…

    • @TheGrandNagus
      65 months ago

      I’m sure you’d do that individually, but not in an official capacity.

      I’d do that in either capacity. I’ve told far nicer people than Putin to fuck off as part of work, sometimes against the wishes of my superiors.

      This comparison is very funny, F1 used to race in Sochi and Putin himself handed over the trophies.

      What’s the relevance? I wasn’t fine with it then. And neither were some in F1, Lewis, for example, refused to shake his hand and was cold with him in Sochi after the 2014 invasion of Crimea.

      This only stopped when international sanctions were placed on Rusia.

      You don’t need to tell me that the FIA is corrupt and loves dictators. I know that already.

        • @TheGrandNagus
          5 months ago

          What a fucking ludicrous question. Jesus Christ.

          I like the Olympics as an event, despite the corruption of the Olympic committee and presence of awful dictatorships.

          People like football despite FIFA being corrupt as fuck, taking bribes from dictatorships, and being ok with literal slavery.

          And yes, I like F1 despite the FIA being just as corrupt.

          If you’re trying to phrase this as hypocrisy, it isn’t. It’s possible to like something while also disliking an aspect of it.

          Maybe you believe that in order to like F1 you must like the FIA/everything they do, as well as any dictator they pander to, but I think you’d be in the minority with that take.

          • @RidcullyTheBrown
            05 months ago

            you are taking a hypocritical position though. As per your claims, you’re well aware of FIA and Liberty Media’ corruption and money grabbing schemes, but somehow you draw the line at a perfectly innocent event in which McLaren has landed. This is hypocritical

            • @TheGrandNagus
              25 months ago

              There’s zero hypocrisy. I don’t understand your argument that there is.

              Me: I don’t like some of the things the FIA does, they are corrupt as an organisation. I don’t like how McLaren welcomed someone like Trump into their garage.

              You: HYPOCRISY!!!

              There’s no hypocrisy. I’m allowed to dislike aspects of a sport I watch, you muppet.

              • @RidcullyTheBrown
                -15 months ago

                You’re being hypocritical when you claim that McLaren had an easy choice in refusing Trump’s access when you (as per your claim) know full well how the sport is organized.

                • @TheGrandNagus
                  15 months ago

                  I don’t think you know why hypocrisy means.

                  And yeah, McLaren could’ve easily said no you can’t come in our garage.