• @UmeU
    35 months ago

    Maybe I just am in the habit of overcooking… I like it pretty dark.

    I do 260c in a Dutch oven for 20 minutes (I have noticed better oven spring when the oven is screaming hot). I preheat the oven and Dutch oven for an hour at 260c… then 230c for another 20 minutes with the lid off for some nice dark crust.

    The edge of my ear gets super crispy and dark.

    Yours looks great, no criticism intended.

    Any money shots of the crumb for us degenerates?

      • @desGrolesM
        34 months ago

        Thank you for sharing your beautiful bread here. Just one thing, try and ferment for longer at room temperature, the dense crumb and few large bubbles are a sign of that. Looking forward to seeing your next loaf.

        • @frankenswineOP
          14 months ago

          Thank you, kind interwebs stranger!