So, I’m just assuming we’ve all seen the discussions about the bear.
Personally I feel that this is an opportunity for everyone to stop and think a little about it. The knee-jerk reaction from many men seems to be something along the lines of “You would choose a dangerous animal over me? That makes me feel bad about myself.” which results in endless comments of the “Akchully… according to Bayes theorem you are much more likely to…” kind.
It should be clear by now that it doesn’t lead to good places.
Maybe, and I’m open to being wrong, but maybe the real message is women saying: “We are scared of unknown men.”
Then, if that is the message intended, what do we do next? Maybe the best thing is just to listen. To ask questions. What have you experienced to make you feel that way?
I firmly believe that the empathy we give lays a foundation for other people being willing to have empathy for the things we try to communicate.
It doesn’t mean we should feel bad about ourselves, but just to recognize that someone is trying to say something, and it’s not a technical discussion about bears.
What do you think?

    • @[email protected]OP
      610 months ago

      What you write resonates with how I feel too. It’s not fair, is it? I think there’s a discussion that must happen, in the future. But right now, it’s too inflamed, it’s not possible. Then the question is, how do we get there? Can we get there without losing ourselves?

    • @[email protected]
      510 months ago

      The solution to this problem is to be ‘better than average’ and bring up the average by leading by example.

    • @UnpluggedFridge
      -310 months ago

      You hate the “man or bear” conversation. Imagine how much women must hate it, knowing that you and other “good men” will bemoan their feelings as soon as they express them. Think about how chilling that is to their concerns; how they have to walk on eggshells even around “good men” when they want voice legitimate concerns.

      You know who won’t get offended? The bear.

    • @TubularTittyFrog
      -1510 months ago

      If you were a person you’d be allowed to be upset. But you’re a man, men aren’t people. They don’t have feelings, only women do.

      • @gap_betweenus
        10 months ago

        How about being better and validating others persons feelings instead of cheap sarcasm?

      • @[email protected]
        010 months ago

        Dude, get some therapy. The world isn’t as harsh and bleak as you imply, and if your life experience hasn’t already shown you that, you need to stop throwing yourself a pity party and start working on getting better so you can enjoy your life.

        • @TubularTittyFrog
          010 months ago

          My life experience has show me people would rather scream and insult others than recognize and validate experiences and opinions that differ from theirs.

          case in point, your comment.

          • @[email protected]
            010 months ago

            You’ve got 25 downvotes. Take the hint: Your ‘hot take’ is crap, and you should work on getting better.

            All men have had shitty things happen to them. All of us have been treated unfairly. How we pick ourselves up and dust ourselves off matters.