When I hear about a new game, I usually read the first sentence or two on Wikipedia. I rule out games described as certain genres or types, like soulslike or online-only multiplayer games. Then, I check reviews on a site like Metacritic. If the critic or user reviews (doesn’t need to be both) are good enough, I add it to a list to play.

I also do this with movies and tv. Obviously, with sequels/series I know a little bit more about the games/movies/shows but I still go in as blind as possible.

  • @MacedWindow
    110 months ago

    If I already know I want to play/watch something I will avoid everything I possibly can about it until I get a chance to experience myself.

    It started when I was lucky enough to walk into John Wick knowing nothing but the name. Didnt even know it was an action movie, just went with some friends and picked a movie at random. When he started taking a slesge hammer to his garage floor I knew it was going somewhere wild, but I had no idea where. Really taught me the value of leaving surprises for yourself.