Victorian premier Jacinta Allan said behaviour at Yarra Valley grammar was misogynistic, and disrespect towards women had to stop

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  • @shalafi
    10 months ago

    Expelling grammar schoolboys for this?! Very helpful I’m sure. Those boys have certainly learned to be model citizens.

    People like you are the reason our schools look like the worst parts of The Wall. Every child must conform, march in lockstep, or face the consequences. Authoritarian liberals are a close second to authoritarian conservatives.

    In my day this would have been a trip to the dean for a solid dressing down and a week in detention. Done and done. And Jesus, the social woes from such an event were unthinkable.

    !BigMikeInAustin: “Fuck them! Deprive them of education and social skills! Give them nothing, and take from them everything!”

    (In case you didn’t catch on, expelling them taught them nothing except to lie down and keep certain views on the down low. I’ll make it even simpler, you want to teach them to lie to avoid harsh consequences.)

    • @BigMikeInAustin
      1010 months ago

      That’s a lot of words to say you can’t read. Ha ha.

      This article says only suspended. You provide no evidence for more.

      Also, the kids rated girls as “unrapable.”

      The kids are thinking it is ok to rape girls.

      How much rape is acceptable to you to not suspend a kid?

    • @BigMikeInAustin
      310 months ago

      I’m saddened you think raping girls is natural instead of teaching kids that it is not ok.