Just two months ago, Biden said that the invasion of Rafah is a “red line” Israel must not cross.

Archived version: https://archive.ph/96pmD

  • @eldavi
    1 month ago

    i’m going to copy/paste this to the only 2 comments this thread is getting:

    if you look at the up/down votes the last half dozen biden/gaza threads on the fediverse over 100, you’ll see that there’s nearly 2:1 votes in favor of biden perpetuation genocide.

    the fediverse was started by tankies and is, arguably, the most left leaning social media platform out there and even here, moderates dominate the conversation.

    add to that the fact that the democratic party is successfully using abortion to get votes and rfk jr is a much bigger threat to trump than biden; it’s pretty clear that biden will win not matter what.

    i’ll leave this quote from mlk jir because it helps me accept this thing that i cannot change:

    I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Council-er or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate who is more devoted to “order” than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says “I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I can’t agree with your methods of direct action;” who paternalistically feels he can set the timetable for another man’s freedom; who lives by the myth of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait until a “more convenient season.”

    Shallow understanding from people of goodwill is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection.

    • @TropicalDingdong
      61 month ago

      I think the quote about the “white liberal” more interested in the negative peace of order is incredibly salient. I’ve been thinking very very deeply about this quote over the last several months.

      add to that the fact that the democratic party is successfully using abortion to get votes and rfk jr is a much bigger threat to trump than biden; it’s pretty clear that biden will win not matter what.

      I appreciate your optimism but I think this is less certain than you make it out to be. I think you need to take these assumptions to the electoral college map and actually game it out. Specifically, without pivoting on Gaza, I argue that Biden has lost Wisconsin, Michigan, and Minnesota. They demonstrated their willingness to step back from Biden, and Biden has only gotten worse since then. He held onto those states by a shoestring in 2020.

      Thats 35 electoral votes. So where does Biden make those up on abortion rights? What states does Biden flip into his favor. Florida? (yea fucking right) Texas? (blue as my balls waiting for this state to turn purple).

      Like show me on a map where these electoral college votes that Biden has gained are coming from and we can have that conversation. Otherwise, you don’t actually have an argument because the popular vote is irrelevant, and whining about winning the popular vote while losing the electoral college isn’t an argument either.

      My read of the electoral college map is that we’re basically locked into the state it was in for 2016 and 2020. I don’t see anything fundamentally different going into 2024. So the question becomes, what states flip from 2020?

      • @eldavi
        91 month ago

        Like show me on a map where these electoral college votes that Biden has gained are coming from and we can have that conversation. Otherwise, you don’t actually have an argument because the popular vote is irrelevant, and whining about winning the popular vote while losing the electoral college isn’t an argument either.

        the argument comes from midterm election results where red safety states went blue when they were bombarded with pro-abortion political adds. this article from npr goes into a deeper dive and also has a link to the exit poll results from those midterm elections: https://www.npr.org/2024/05/02/1248599739/abortion-democrats-independents-republicans-voting-2024-election

        additionally: presidential elections also usually go blue so a popular vote win is also likely for biden. (this is so well known that some red states like texas hold their gubernatorial elections on off presidential year elections to avoid this phenomenon).

        finally: my goal wasn’t to spread optimism; i was trying to share something that helps give me peace with our situation with someone who has expressed the same concern i’ve been having in a thread that the fediverse is trying to now trying to ignore.

        • @TropicalDingdong
          21 month ago

          I asked for what specific states are going to flip on abortion rights. Your article does not cover that.

          • @eldavi
            51 month ago

            the article that the i shared with you has a link showing the exit polls.

            tldr: it all the states that voted blue where they were expected to go red; including georgia, pennsylvania, nevada, & arizona

              • @eldavi
                61 month ago

                read the articles: they were expected to go red for congress and didn’t, that’s the point.

                • @TropicalDingdong
                  31 month ago

                  Ok so you retained those states.

                  Where do you get the remaining electoral college votes if WI, MI, and MN go red?

                  • @eldavi
                    61 month ago

                    wisconsin’s pro-republican gerrymandering is gone; presidential term elections almost always go more blue and will influence the outcome as it did in the last presidential election; and rfk jr. is around to soak up the rest.

    • livus
      1 month ago


      i’m going to copy/paste this to the only 2 comments this thread is getting

      I don’t get why you don’t just post it once and then @ everyone you’re talking to.

      • @eldavi
        51 month ago

        i didn’t know i could do that; thank you.