From Hoo’s Woods

This baby Great Horned owl, is showing off her seriously stylish pants. She was admitted into our care last night. Her sibling Mo sitting next to her was admitted last week with injuries he sustained after high winds blew him from their nest. Now together again, they are both in good health, and will be rehomed this week.

We’ve been seeing a lot of “brancher” Great Horned and Barred Owls lately. These youngsters are at a stage where they perch on branches, sometimes taking a tumble to the ground. It’s easy to mistake them for injured birds because they haven’t quite mastered flight yet. Placing them back on a branch away from harm allows their parents to continue feeding them, and in just about a week, they’ll be flying.

Young owls learn essential survival skills from their parents, ensuring they thrive in the wild. However, there are situations where intervention is necessary, and we are here to assist. If you have any questions or uncertain if intervention is needed, please reach out to us. We do our best to get these birds back to the wild.

  • anon6789OP
    25 months ago

    They do look comfy!

    Yup, you can’t just leave your owls laying around on the ground, you gotta pick them up and put them where they belong.