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Another positive step in the right direction for an organization rife with brokenness. There’s a lot I don’t like about the organization, but this is something a love–a scouting organization open to young women and the lgbtq community. The next step is being inclusive of nonreligious agnostic and atheist youth and leaders. As well as ending the cultural appropriation of Native American peoples.

May this organization continue to build up youth, never allow further violence against youth, and make amends for all the wrongs. There’s a lot of good that comes out of organizations like this and I won’t discount it even though it’s riddled with a dark history.

    • @jpeps
      510 months ago

      They’re separate organisations. From what I remember, Boy Scouts/Scouting America has been under fire for some time for their lack of inclusion, which they’ve been changing. Meanwhile Girl Scouts is and has always been vocally against anyone but girls joining the org. Could be different now though.

      • @[email protected]
        110 months ago

        They’re separate organisations.

        No I know, I was more thinking of why have two of them anymore, they could just merge. I know in Finland we used to have separate boy scouts and girl scouts organizations but ages ago they merged into one top level scouting organization.

        Meanwhile Girl Scouts is and has always been vocally against anyone but girls joining the org.

        Uh oh. I guess there’s some work to be done there.

        • @jpeps
          310 months ago

          Sorry for my misunderstanding. The second part as you point out is the main reason I think they won’t though. I don’t like the Girl Scout’s stance but I can empathise with it, as I believe it comes from the effort they had to go to to get girls access to a scouts organisation in the first place. To allow boys in now feels like a loss to them after so many years of being denied access to Boy Scouts. Mixed into that is all the politics around single-sex spaces etc etc

          • @[email protected]
            310 months ago

            But if the objective was gender inclusion then excluding boys now would just feel like they’re doing it out of spite. Unless they specifically want gender exclusion, just into another direction, which would be oof.

            Should just have one organization where everyone is welcome imo

            • @jpeps
              210 months ago

              I completely agree, and yeah it does kind of seem like there is some spite in it. Very political, sadly.