Yeah, I signed up to one of the group-buying schemes that Sadiq Khan brought in, in theory to make it cheaper to put solar panels on your house. The company that got the contract ended up going bust, so no solar panels for me! At least I got the deposit back.
If that includes batteries, I suspect the payback is shorter these days if you are using an agile tariff like Octopus. I made a bit of money this winter forecast-charging batteries when the electricity price was negative and force discharging when the export price was high
I want solar panels. So I asked for a quote. £10,000 total cost with an estimate break even of almost 20 years.
Yeah, I signed up to one of the group-buying schemes that Sadiq Khan brought in, in theory to make it cheaper to put solar panels on your house. The company that got the contract ended up going bust, so no solar panels for me! At least I got the deposit back.
Green Energy Together? We used them for our panels. Complete nightmare. But they eventually installed and the system is working well.
If that includes batteries, I suspect the payback is shorter these days if you are using an agile tariff like Octopus. I made a bit of money this winter forecast-charging batteries when the electricity price was negative and force discharging when the export price was high