For the first time in my life I’m playing Spyro, the original from 1998.

I played around 20 minutes in the starting fields, found the required ten dragons to go on the hot air balloon but then I had some real life problem and I had to turn off. In all the playtime it didn’t ask me to save and once a dragon freed said “the game saves a check point every time you free a dragon”.

So I restarted the console and… No save…

How to save?

  • @feartheflame
    19 months ago

    I’m pretty sure it did autosave in world transition like the other poster mentioned but definitely not the regular autosave intervals that are more common today. I could be wrong about that but I’m not sure why the transition save isn’t working for you. Regardless, glad you could get some save functionality working.

    • @Wispy2891OP
      19 months ago

      Maybe it’s just because it was the initial worlds which are an extended tutorial and are super short to go in and out

      Or maybe it’s a problem of my card lol