• Christian Kent
    19 months ago

    @Meuzzin @ajsadauskas City West Link is a complete duplicate of the M4 East — in fact it was a failed prototype, using the M4’s original corridor, compromised by cost savings (INSTEAD of tapping that equity market, but anyway …)

    So instead of replacing Parramatta Road through the inner west in June 2000, we ended up with a second stroad! Brand new traffic lights in Leichhardt, recommended to drive into the city.

    Get rid of it! Close it at Hawthorne Canal.

    And rip 4 lanes off Parramatta Rd.

    • Christian Kent
      19 months ago

      @Meuzzin @ajsadauskas But instead — and I see why they’re afraid — Labor are throwing money at road users. Subsidising tolls with tax money, and doing it indirectly (with new paperwork).

      The final Liberal premier did a mini-poison-pill by promising not to close any lanes on Parramatta Road. “You have the choice of a free road”, great cynicism. You had the choice to remove induced demand, fool.

      At least his predecessor designed a transport agenda with non-stroad new roads and metro lines.