• Call me Lenny/LeniM
      -710 months ago

      You say that like that’s never been brought up before. The Mythbusters episode about it even ended on that note. They said “manmade stuff is on the moon, so men must’ve been up there” but didn’t discuss the part where there’s more than one way manmade stuff could end up on the moon (which itself seemed unusually hasty for them).

      • @mipadaitu
        1210 months ago

        Or, the perfectly mundane truth, which is that it actually happened.

        • Call me Lenny/LeniM
          -410 months ago

          If that’s what you believe, I’m not the kind of person to impose and say it’s an inferior conclusion so-to-speak, it’s not as if people don’t agree to disagree. What I’d like to know is why can’t we here?

          • @mipadaitu
            1010 months ago

            Cause you’re talking about reality. We’re not debating on if a movie was good, or if a sandwich is tasty, you’re literally saying that every single scientist in the whole world is conspiring to trick you into thinking something happened.

            This isn’t an opinion, it’s a 100% absolute fact that humans have set foot on the moon.

            The number of people who would have to be in on the conspiracy would be astronomical. You are wrong, and you are intentionally spreading misinformation. It would take you less than an afternoon to learn the truth, but you are going out of your way to remain ignorant.

            • Call me Lenny/LeniM
              -510 months ago

              It’s not an opinion, it’s a conclusion. People differ on what conclusions they come to. It’s simply the nature of disagreement. People used to think it was crazy that the Earth revolved around the sun, something supported by the changing positions of the stars, despite the fact that Mars would have odd patterns in the sky as a result. I look at some of the supportive content for the moon landings the same way someone back then would’ve looked at the specific details of the stars. “This doesn’t add up” they would say, in their case referring to the Geocentric theory. Some people debate over what killed the dinosaurs; that’s “reality” too, but those who say the meteor didn’t do shit and those who say it did aren’t calling each other nuts. Many, many things much larger than a moon landing have been covered up before, such as the existence of several top secret Soviet cities meant to test nuclear material, or several US combat operations. And again, your conclusion is yours, my conclusion is mine, and it’s not like I’m pressuring anyone to convert, so the misinformation bit is unfair.

      • AmbiguousProps
        510 months ago

        You are very ignorant of the truth. Do you think we landed a probe on the moon that was able to take apart and bring back parts of Surveyor 3 in 1969? That would be way more unbelievable than humans doing it instead. What a incredibly stupid and moronic hill you’ve chosen to die on.

        • Call me Lenny/LeniM
          -210 months ago

          That’s based on the assumption of that being the process of what went on. As I said elsewhere, there seems to be a very unbreakably second-hand nature to this. It is my conclusion, just as yours, your hill, is yours. I’m not attempting to crusade on your own hill so much as I’m stating how people react to hearing what I think.

          • AmbiguousProps
            410 months ago

            They react that way because its unbelievable how someone could actually be as stupid as to deny the moon landing in 2024. “You weren’t there first hand” is not as good as a defense as you think, and you’ve used it over and over. Is that all you’ve got? I haven’t been to the war in Ukraine, but I sure as hell know it’s happening. Are you unable to know something is happening without it being in your face?

            • Call me Lenny/LeniM
              -210 months ago

              Then I guess a quarter of Europe is stupid to you. A lot of things fall under the definition of “first-hand”; if I said “here is a moon rock, you can test its properties out”, that would be first-hand, as opposed to “I got a moon-rock as proof, but that doesn’t matter because NASA has it and they’ll never let you test it” or “here is footage, footage means it happened”.

              • @Passerby6497
                410 months ago

                At least a quarter, and I’d say that about the world in general.

                The last 5 years have shown me that a sizable minority of the human race is dumber than a brick.

              • AmbiguousProps
                210 months ago

                Yes, anyone that can’t comprehend that we landed on the moon is stupid, like you. Correct! That is indeed how statistics work.

                Hilarious that you’d link an article that says that it actually happened, too.

                NASA has sent moon rock samples around the globe. They’ve been compared to rocks retrieved by probes and are the same (this was discussed at length in my previous Wikipedia link). But I guess that’s suddenly not going to be good enough for you, you’ll just come up with another reason to die on this hill. At least I can be happy knowing that we really did go to the moon, I’m sorry your brain will never be able to comprehend that amazing fact. It’s sad, when it comes down to it. I feel bad for you.

                • Call me Lenny/LeniM
                  -310 months ago

                  There is more to me that a conclusion the two of us disagree on, and I would say to say otherwise is to look way too much into it, especially if you’re going to phrase it as some sort of crusade, as when you ask if it’s a hill I’ll “die on” when I mention the difference between things gathered first-hand and second-hand, which still applies when you are talking about the minerals supposedly collected. Or to go by your own figure of speech, it’s my own hill and you are the guest, so it’s on you if I die on it. I also don’t have to agree 100% with the articles I link to, I was simply showing you it’s not simply something you can boil down to me being stupid. You speak of being happy about going to the moon and feeling sorry for me for not agreeing with you as if you confronting me about this disagreement demonstrates a happy mindset when I would be completely happy to agree to disagree.