Hi there,

I hope my title as well as the examples shown in the picture get the idea across of what I’m looking for. Doesn’t matter what the genre is, I am just looking for movies which are shot in this grim lighting.

Also, for fun, try and guess which movies the pictures come from.


Suspiria (2018)

Black Swan

The Road

  • @LemmySoloHer
    10 months ago

    This is the extreme end of things but nearly every Zack Snyder movie, extreme because it specifically goes heavy on editing saturation, contrast, etc., that takes away the aspects of realism for this look to instead make it stylized in an exaggerated way on purpose.

    Joker (2019) plays with this look.

    A lot of noir-esque stuff will use this kind of look to varying degrees too. Dark City (1998), and a lot of the future/neo-noirs will do this even when bright cyberpunk lights are present. Zone 414 (2021) is another one. Live by Night (2016) uses it during the criminal activity scenes to contrast against the brighter, roaring world of the rich.

    I think there are a lot of better examples out there that I’m just not thinking of at the moment.

    Edit: Adding Prisoners (2013), Pan’s Labyrinth (2006), Children of Men (2006), and Taxi Driver (1976) to the list.