Best job i ever had was maintenance guy at a nursing home. Loved it. Rewarding. Fulfilling. Paid only $10.75/hr so i left it and ‘developed my career’ and now im ‘successful’ but at least once a week i have dreams where im back in the home hanging pictures, flirtin with the ol gals, being useful.

So when people ask ‘who fixes toilets under communism?’ my answer is a resounding ‘me. I will fix the toilets.’

  • @[email protected]
    175 months ago

    I used to work in programming, I hated being so mentally exhausted at the end of the day that I couldn’t do anything more taxing than watching TV or playing a mindless videogame

    Give me a simple physical job that I leave at work any day

    • @[email protected]
      5 months ago

      God this is me. I’ve got deadline coming up so I’ve been tearing my guts out every day trying to finish up a project. I don’t even play videogames, or watch shows anymore; just scratch out some notes in diary, then read in bed.

      I wish I was like a letter carrier and got to clock out with a clear conscience. No waking up in the middle of the night thinking about nonsense programming problems for a bullshit domain that doesn’t need to exist.