• @Hobbes_Dent
    135 months ago

    “The child [Hind Rajab] and everyone in the car were found killed by the Israeli Army near the Fares petrol station in the Tal Al-Hawa area, southwest of Gaza City, after about two weeks of her unknown fate due to the Israeli military operation in the area,” according to Khader Al Za’anoun, a Palestinian journalist working for CNN who spoke to the child’s grandfather.

    The PRCS also confirmed the death of two ambulance workers dispatched to rescue the girl.

    “The occupation deliberately targeted the Red Crescent crew despite obtaining prior coordination to allow the ambulance to reach the location to rescue the girl Hind,” read the statement.

    No better than Putin.

    • @voracitude
      5 months ago

      Yeah, these are fucking war crimes.

      The CFR site actually has an article on this exact topic: https://www.cfr.org/article/what-international-law-has-say-about-israel-hamas-war

      And despite starting off with Hamas and taking about Israel’s self-defence, the article says:

      What should Israel do to comply with international humanitarian law?

      Israel has fundamental legal obligations to abide by during its campaign against Hamas. Heavily charged statements by some Israeli officials need to be separated from sound legal policy. In brief, Israel must meet several standards:

      • It must not use starvation (including deprivation of food, water, and other essentials for survival) of Gaza’s civilian population as a weapon of war against Hamas or for any reason.
      • It must take every possible step to target only Hamas militants and their military infrastructure, and to minimize civilian casualties and the destruction of civilian infrastructure. The Israeli air and artillery campaign, as well as its ground warfare, must be guided by the immutable legal principles of humanity, distinction, proportionality, and military necessity

      Well, they demonstrably are fucking not complying with the law by actively preventing aid from reaching the strip, killing as many civilians and destroying as much civilian infrastructure as they can, primarily with weapons from the US. Absolutely disgusting, bring each and every one of them before the ICJ and slap them with the heaviest possible punishment - including Hamas’ leaders, those fuckers are responsible for this as much as Bibi and co.