• i am not racist! [insert african leader] just happens to look like a monkey! i am not racist i swear!!!

    same energy. you should do some self criticism. just because western society normalized casual racism against “permitted enemies” doesnt make it okay.

    • @[email protected]
      48 months ago

      Somebody compares your dear supreme dictator to a cartoon bear. You: “You are racist against all Chinese”.

      Even after others clarify that it’s against one person, you have your ears plugged and crying racism. You know what it sounds like? A scripted act to pretend that you’re morally right. In fact, I have seen this so many times. It’s from your masters’ propaganda playbook, isn’t it?

    • Rustmilian
      8 months ago

      You really just compared “African leader” to “a monkey”. I can’t, I can’t believe it. The irony, the sheer irony, it’s delicious, so very delicious, keep feeding me more of this shit.

      You’re completely miss understanding the entire thing. Your dear lead is being compared to an iconic, childhood beloved, Disney, cartoon bear 🐻, and you think it’s racist? How foolish.