Every time I stand near the kitchen and then later start to call his name, he hides. He knows his antibiotic is in the fridge.

    • @ParabolicMotionOP
      510 months ago

      I’ll have to look for that. It looks like something he would eat. Thanks for the info!

      • @[email protected]
        610 months ago

        No problem. My little buddy just had hip surgery and pins put in his leg. While he didn’t mind the meds for the first couple days, he got tired of them fast. The churu really helps, and helps keep them hydrated.

        • @ParabolicMotionOP
          310 months ago

          Ouch! I hope he is feeling better! Did the veterinarian need to do a second surgery to remove the pins?

          • @[email protected]
            410 months ago

            I don’t think they know yet. He just had the surgery a week ago so the stitches haven’t been removed yet and he’s still confined to a smaller crate to limit his movement. The Dr. did say something about leaving the pins where they would be easy to remove later but I think that was only if needed.

            Poor guy hasn’t had a good month. He was just recovering from a black widow bite on his paw that got infected and made him sick. Not 2 days after he finished his antibiotics, he managed to severely dislocate his hip and break the top off his femur.

            Good boy Mo

            • @ParabolicMotionOP
              210 months ago

              How traumatic for him! He sure is cute! I hope he makes a fast recovery!