• @lightnegative
    10 months ago

    Based on that logic, the Christian bible is inherently leftist because it’s meant to be shared… whether you wanted it or not

    • despite not being religious i have to admit that jesus seemed like quite a chill dude.

      Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God

      Matthew 19:24

      • @Bernie_Sandals
        610 months ago

        25 The needy person’s bread means life for that poor person; whoever withholds it is a murderer. 26 Whoever takes away a neighbor’s living commits murder, 27 and whoever deprives a worker of wages sheds blood.

        Sirach 34:25-27

        Even the pre-Jesus Old Testament inspired writings had a lot of chill/surprisingly progressive stuff.