MOSCOW, Dec 27 (Reuters) - Russia and India have made tangible progress in talks on plans to jointly produce military equipment, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Wednesday, after talks with his Indian counterpart Subrahmanyam Jaishankar in Moscow.

  • ForgotAboutDre
    1 year ago

    Your off the mark on this one. India (it’s government at least) is more aligned with Russia ideologically. They want to be the powerful bully and they want to oppress minorities. The west has movements similar to this, but they aren’t so entrenched and the path against them is much clearer.

    India isn’t aligned with the West. They also don’t want to align with the West. Any current cooperation is much like the west being allies with the Soviet Union during world war 2. It’s based on immediate convenience. Largely against china. Despite this India is actively hostile against the west in numerous ways, most recently political assignations in Canada and attempts in USA.

    I think this confusion arises because India’s recent history is tied to Britain. So we associate India with western alignment. However, being colonised is going to create resentment and mistrust with the colonisers and their associates.

    • reddit_sux
      1 year ago

      You are also ignoring the US support to Pakistan against India, support to China.

      Disregard to the allies when their job is done, vis-a-vis Afghanistan, Vietnam, Iraq.

      US is not innocent of the same crime it blames Russia of. Waging war on false pretenses or do we disregard the Iraq war.

    • Dead_or_Alive
      1 year ago

      There is some speculation that those assassinations were a small group of extremists within India. The assassins didn’t really fit the part of assassins and they were so easily foiled in the US.

      It’s one thing to take pot shots at US allies. It’s entirely different to assassinate US citizens on US soil. Not even the USSR at the height of the Cold War considered doing that.

      Biden made this issue a top priority and has spoken directly with Modi at the G20 summit. More than likely the Indians will quietly offer the ringleaders up for extradition and trial in the US/Canada and the issue will go away. The Indians still want Western tech and investments, assassinating leaders of groups who haven’t been influential for 20 or more years seems very short sighted.

      If the Indians continue down this path then I think relations will probably change significantly.