First of H.G. Wells work that I’ve read and I really enjoyed it. Reminded me a lot of Jules Verne though a bit lighter on the technical aspects and heavier on the social commentary.

The foresight to predict things like climate change was impressive but it was the implications with regards to capitalism and the system of haves and have-nots that’s really sticking with me.

Planning to read War of the Worlds next, then maybe The Invisible Man.

  • @james1
    52 years ago

    As well as the three you have mentioned, I would also recommend The Island of Dr Moreau.

    Of the Wells fiction I’ve read, The Time Machine does have the most explicit class analysis/allegory though.

    • @DeterminatorOP
      22 years ago

      Appreciate the suggestion I’ll add that to the list as well!

  • @theywilleatthestars
    32 years ago

    Oh man, I read that book when I was 15 and couldn’t sleep for days afterward. Really should give it a reread at some point now that I’d have a better understanding of the political subtext.