Many post apocalyptic games like Fallout 4 and Rust feature AK pattern rifles with their stock replaced with shovel handles. This is why.

On Nov 12th 2012, Thanksgiving Day, a man by the username Boris posted a series of images along with a story of how he converted a $2 shovel he found at a Vermont garage sale into a rifle on the forum

He itemized the expense at $232. Comprised of a $200 Romanian AK parts kit with no barrel, a $30 barrel, and the aforementioned shovel.

The actual receiver of this firearm is compromised of the head of the shovel used for the stock. In his original post he showed a step by step display of the process he used in the conversion.

Here is the original shovel.

Original post on NES (images appear dead):


  • @Fuckfuckmyfuckingass
    59 months ago

    That’s incredible. I had no idea the receiver was made from a shovel head. Rad AF!

  • Codex
    9 months ago

    Considering that the first picture features a gun, an anvil, and a bottle of vodka, I had a good idea of how this happened! It is a fun ride though!

    Well, this is not the end, it’s a beginning, because one night I was drinking with the shovel and contemplating what to do with it. It’s funny, when you are sober, you can’t understand how a shovel can share with you a delicious drink of vodka. So I said to shovel, I will re-unite you with your handle and we had another round of drinks to celebrate! … and then I cut it up.