German MP (& vice chair of the Rosa Luxembourg Foundation, which funds several left-wing groups and organisations in Europe) is lambasting the German foreign minister over her failure to pressure EGYPT into facilitating the mass displacement and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from Gaza.

  • @[email protected]
    29 months ago

    Eine Bundesregierung, der es um die Menschen in Gaza gehen würde, könnte Ägypten zur Öffnung der Grenze bewegen - mindestens für Frauen und Kinder - und gleichzeitig von Israel Garantien zum zukünftigen Status des Gazastreifens einholen. Sie tut es nicht.

    A federal goverment, that would care about the humans in Gaza, could motion Egypt to open the border - at least for women and children - and simultaneously seek guarantees from Israel about the future status of the Gaza Strip. It does not.

    Reading comprehension from this: Jan Korte wishes for the German government to tell Egypt that people fleeing a war need to be accomodated.

    • من البحر إلى النهرOP
      19 months ago

      At least Germans are being consistent, instead of asking Israel to stop its genocide, it is blaming other countries for not taking in the refugees

      “'What we do not understand is that while there were protests against Germany’s defensive action in this field, there was, on the other hand, no willingness to absorb the excess Jewish population emigrating from Germany.”

      • Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Minister of propaganda.