Setup a self hosted instance and am using Gmail SMTP server with an app password. However, when I try to register a test user, I get an error indicating that “This server hasn’t correctly set up email.”
I used the Lemmy Easy Deploy project to set my system up. Following is the relevant section of the lemmy.hjson
config file:
email: {
smtp_server: ""
smtp_login: "<user_name>"
smtp_password: "my_super_secret_password"
smtp_from_address: " <[email protected]>"
tls_type: "tls"
How can I find out why my Lemmy server thinks the email isn’t setup properly?
How can I send email from my instance using a Gmail account I created for this purpose?
A bit more progress as I am able to get connected to Gmail SMTP server via the
command inside the Lemmy container. Still wondering why I get the “This server hasn’t correctly set up email” error.lemmy@2ba1e7b7ab5b:/$ openssl s_client -connect -starttls smtp CONNECTED(00000003) depth=2 C = US, O = Google Trust Services LLC, CN = GTS Root R1 verify return:1 depth=1 C = US, O = Google Trust Services LLC, CN = GTS CA 1C3 verify return:1 depth=0 CN = verify return:1 --- Certificate chain 0 s:CN = i:C = US, O = Google Trust Services LLC, CN = GTS CA 1C3 1 s:C = US, O = Google Trust Services LLC, CN = GTS CA 1C3 i:C = US, O = Google Trust Services LLC, CN = GTS Root R1 2 s:C = US, O = Google Trust Services LLC, CN = GTS Root R1 i:C = BE, O = GlobalSign nv-sa, OU = Root CA, CN = GlobalSign Root CA --- Server certificate -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIEhjCCA26gAwIBAgIQGpg14/yC+QkSeUGoITtsEjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADBG MQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzEiMCAGA1UEChMZR29vZ2xlIFRydXN0IFNlcnZpY2VzIExM QzETMBEGA1UEAxMKR1RTIENBIDFDMzAeFw0yMzA2MTkwODIwNDZaFw0yMzA5MTEw ODIwNDVaMBkxFzAVBgNVBAMTDnNtdHAuZ21haWwuY29tMFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYI KoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEwwLGpgznhMIR68k4qp8Qbc3+brfEAci2Vs+yUPz6PPkJUXyd SZOsRKMwMpcRrw9/SePaiVfJ8EXyZPCC828Gy6OCAmYwggJiMA4GA1UdDwEB/wQE AwIHgDATBgNVHSUEDDAKBggrBgEFBQcDATAMBgNVHRMBAf8EAjAAMB0GA1UdDgQW BBRCeghQmcxZJhUzW7Zg3BqHTDgQVTAfBgNVHSMEGDAWgBSKdH+vhc3ulc09nNDi RhTzcTUdJzBqBggrBgEFBQcBAQReMFwwJwYIKwYBBQUHMAGGG2h0dHA6Ly9vY3Nw LnBraS5nb29nL2d0czFjMzAxBggrBgEFBQcwAoYlaHR0cDovL3BraS5nb29nL3Jl cG8vY2VydHMvZ3RzMWMzLmRlcjAZBgNVHREEEjAQgg5zbXRwLmdtYWlsLmNvbTAh BgNVHSAEGjAYMAgGBmeBDAECATAMBgorBgEEAdZ5AgUDMDwGA1UdHwQ1MDMwMaAv oC2GK2h0dHA6Ly9jcmxzLnBraS5nb29nL2d0czFjMy9RT3ZKME4xc1QyQS5jcmww ggEDBgorBgEEAdZ5AgQCBIH0BIHxAO8AdQB6MoxU2LcttiDqOOBSHumEFnAyE4VN O9IrwTpXo1LrUgAAAYjS9PJgAAAEAwBGMEQCIGYTyBfcQJB1YftSGMYm0JS4q/Rg AbmRT+lCUlbrNQYGAiAuzuB0vOMcAOVG+wTTbuy0H6SnI8Fziyb8yeNufHB0SAB2 AOg+0No+9QY1MudXKLyJa8kD08vREWvs62nhd31tBr1uAAABiNL08hgAAAQDAEcw RQIgRtLFPrEqbUyXKVysyVo5E2CKtl+YP2x/hgwaRsFhFT0CIQDRZY6t/ILTLlLR f7ajeqI6KlITaxGZZ6zjuUQBpc1RLzANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFAAOCAQEAFKPnGu+y 949xaBA2XA6a9Lw49x58d8k+edkb9HHSG2OhBwM/QCGKYYVg2JO7DNA658XYdtml NAhqwYXks+BQt/nfVTuljRKtZG0WvtxVdF1YUqshBIeiBTLxOQaMwOvyXXBkxV92 98Caewi/Ra72HBN63nXGblcLqYQYRu9CXJ2bBf+qxxsoUe/gqd/F52x/q4EtUW3X 2YF3CsUmXMUqmVw5+GnIx9veSPXTMyrEi4//DHKsQZ99o1hL7DSF9hwMX0vRUMaY zrB1N+lxzdf/WdgV1Sl1XOjMYsWYYjgJRjYXleCtUlSBvyU5SR/svev+RKheAOyn SLct8QvloYXRiQ== -----END CERTIFICATE----- subject=CN = issuer=C = US, O = Google Trust Services LLC, CN = GTS CA 1C3 --- No client certificate CA names sent Peer signing digest: SHA256 Peer signature type: ECDSA Server Temp Key: X25519, 253 bits --- SSL handshake has read 4579 bytes and written 419 bytes Verification: OK --- New, TLSv1.3, Cipher is TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 Server public key is 256 bit Secure Renegotiation IS NOT supported Compression: NONE Expansion: NONE No ALPN negotiated Early data was not sent Verify return code: 0 (ok) --- 250 SMTPUTF8
Looks like we have this issue:
Network configs were removed from the docker-compose file. Does anyone know whether in its current form, whether any outgoing network connection on TCP/587 (TLS SMTP) would work?
Can’t test myself inside the Lemmy container, as that one doesn’t have any real commands installed in it.