• @BoxerDevil
    1110 months ago

    Hey a cop actually that actually gets a good punishment. Now if they would just put him into general pop and let them deal with him

    • @[email protected]
      910 months ago

      That’s the thing, though: in what way does putting someone in jail for life help their victims?

      True justice would be making this piece of shit work for the families he’s hurt. Keep them from ever having to see him, but make sure every waking minute of his life is spent improving the lives he’s ruined and seeking redemption, even if it never comes. Otherwise, the only people who benefit from his incarceration are his slave masters (thanks to the 13th Amendment), i.e., the state or the for-profit prison.

      • @[email protected]
        110 months ago

        Punishment is for the victim, and for society.

        Agree the victim gets little (aside from revenge-satisfaction) from them being locked up.

        But society has a rapist off the streets, forever (effectively).

      • @Lightsong
        010 months ago

        He should be ruined pretty hardcore, since he’s a sheriff (well now a former sheriff), and prisoners should have some stuff to introduce to the former sheriff to experience.

        • @[email protected]
          10 months ago

          I completely understand wanting to answer pain with pain, but nobody really benefits in that situation. Isn’t the most important person in this kind of situation the victim? Isn’t it more just to improve life for the victim rather than just make life worse for the culprit?

          I hate cops just like anyone else in this community, but I hate the American idea of justice just as much. It isn’t justice; it’s revenge. True justice is teaching criminals why they’re wrong and convincing them to want to seek atonement.

          EDIT: I’m not saying this particular human shitstain should get special treatment, and I can’t feel bad that he’ll likely get tortured and killed in prison. But our justice system just causes more pain (to criminals) when it could be used to reduce pain (to victims) and prevent future pain by converting criminals into repentant, productive members of society. And of course those who are incapable of repentance should be removed from society altogether.

          • @Lightsong
            210 months ago

            Yeah true even with those stuff that should be a deference for those folks. They still will do it. I guess best thing we should do is to address mental health, provide needed resources for those folks.

            Sigh. This issue will persist for long time. Especially how it seems like those billionaires get into it and get away cuz money. They obviously doesn’t have issue with mental health (maybe they do?), they just want to have a power over the person and skirt the law.