She’s just a body pillow Anon… I know you like to call her your “waifu”, but she can’t actually make you do anything you don’t want to do. I say put her back in her slip cover and stick her in the closet, with $18k you can afford a harem of Real Dolls who won’t talk back to you 😉
Not even a body pillow, Anon is a master tulpamancer and made a tulpa of some MLP character.
tulpamancerWhen I looked these up, I was really expecting the first link to be Urban Dictionary. Learning that it was derived from Buddhist traditions was a surprise.
Pay off all debts with whatever you have after taxes. Put the rest in investments. Let her pay for the trip to congratulate you.
Of course, it’s fake, but that’s what you do with windfalls.
Lol I’ve heard this exact story down to her looking for the trips before.
All stories fake blah blah
How else can you radicalize incels on the internet, if not through fake stories of becoming rich and abandoning the person you convinced you cared about them?
Of course, still fun to read though.
Yep. Like my first wife.
My salary was “our money”, her salary was “her money”.
Dump her.
Simplest solution: say you’d rather go to Antarctica. Get job at the South Pole base, away from her.
Anon should get her a modest gift and take her to a decent restaurant. The rest, do what he wants with. If she handles his decision poorly, he should probably end it, but all she’s demonstrated so far is that she dreams of going to Bali, she hasn’t acted toxic or anything
Also known as marriage…
Why’d you let it get that far? I would have said, “my number won” and left it at that