The USS Monitor was an ironclad warship used by the Union Navy during the US Civil War. It was a radical design that sat low on the waterline to present a very small target, and had a revolving turret rather than a broadside battery. The turret traversed with steam power, being about to make a full rotation in just under 23 seconds. During the Battle of Hampton Roads the turret was fitted with a pair of 11-inch guns.

It was rushed to take part in the second day of the Battle of Hampton Roads to oppose the Confederate ironclad that the CSA called the CCS Virginia that had been wreaking havoc on wooden Union ships. The USS Monitor engaged the Confederate ironclad for hours in the first ever battle of ironclad ships. In the end neither ship gained a decisive advantage before withdrawing.

The USS Monitor continued to help the union blockade Norfolk until the Confederacy was forced to scuttle its own ironclad as Union land forces closed off Norfolk and the river beyond it. The USS Monitor then sailed to support the Union army in the Battle Of Drewry’s Bluff. After that it moved to participate in the Union blockade of North Carolina, but floundered during a storm and sank.

Wikipedia, used generously as reference.

  • @Hawke
    79 months ago

    Removed by mod

    • SSTFOP
      39 months ago

      Thanks. I guess that’s what I get for putting this together on the go. I’ll fix it when I can sit down properly and look it over.

    • SSTFOP
      9 months ago

      Looks like the original “floundered” was correct. The ship struggled, which is the meaning. Wording taken from Wikipedia as well.

      “Foundered” doesn’t have any meaning close to that which I see on a quick google glance.

      • @[email protected]
        59 months ago

        I was wondering the difference:

        floundered is to “struggle or stagger helplessly or clumsily in water or mud”

        foundered is to fill with water and sink.

        I didn’t know there was two words.

      • @Hawke
        9 months ago

        Removed by mod

        • SSTFOP
          9 months ago

          Floundered is still a appropriate use of a different word (struggled in water) in the context. I’m done making edits.

          I appreciate all the input.