Browsing through Lemmy is fun, but leaving the current page when clicking on an image is not, so I would like to know if there is any option to open links in new tab as default 🤔

  • @ivenoidea
    71 year ago

    If you’re browsing on a PC, click your mouse wheel to open the image/link/whatever in a new tab.

  • @CMahaff
    31 year ago

    The latest Lemmy BE 0.18.1-rc9 supports this setting - but right now the front-end just doesn’t let you set it yet.

    Hopefully the front-end will be updated with it by the final release of 0.18.1!

    • MorethanevilOP
      21 year ago

      Okay we have this feature, but we can not activate it 😂

      Let´s wait fopr 0.18.1 then

  • @[email protected]
    21 year ago

    There’s several workarounds on desktop browser, right click + context menu, ctrl + left click, middle click. Problem is left click is habitually engraved so I invariably lose my originating page. So yeah, really hoping for a “open all links in new tab” setting to come soon.