Has anyone here done any experiments yet to see what works? I’ll get a pi 5 in the mail in the next week, hopefully, and will be trying a couple setups to see what gives voltage warnings and whatnot…

  • Amp Ripper 4k and 1s pack
  • 4s pack with separate charger and buck converter for the pi.

The buck converter route might work better on the pi5 than previous boards because of it’s built in power on/off/suspend controls.

  • @thantik
    9 months ago

    I’ve always had better luck supplying 5.2v via the 5v pins on the header than I have using the Pi Foundation’s PMIC. I’m really looking forward to seeing if they’ve improved it this time.

    • @A8ksh4OP
      19 months ago

      I haven’t used the header pins much, but there are two solder pads under the USB power plug that I like to solder 5v wires to directly. Same for the USB data pads for any USB devices that go inside the case.