Just comedy.

  • @emptyother
    131 year ago

    I dislike magic. Theres so much stuff you never learn if you rely on magic. Like most people got no clue what a csproj file contains. And neither did I. Just a bunch of xml lines grouped seemingly randomly. And sln files are hard (not impossible) to create or modify without that dotnet sln magic (or VS gui).

    And despite not being a vim user myself even I had to laugh at how those article authors completely missed the point of vim. 🤣

    • Makr Alland
      141 year ago

      Do you all seriously edit text files directly

      I use hexedit for all my programming, that way I can see my text’s source code. It allows things that are impossible with lesser editors, like differentiate l and 1. Newer versions even provide a “live view” that shows your text’s output right beside its source, updated almost instantly. I don’t personally use it as it consumes a lot of resources but it’s a great help if you’re just starting out.

    • Baron Von J
      41 year ago

      That’s why I use a vimitor instead.

  • @[email protected]
    31 year ago

    Because most of those IDEs breed a complex GUI and WM. I live in the terminal, I can’t afford using something different to emacs

  • @[email protected]
    11 year ago

    Comedy indeed. Try using a fancy IDE on an embedded system…. Laughs all around. Vim is the right tool.