Legit on my desktop forever since now
What browser is this?
Not 100% sure, but the puzzle piece makes me think it’s Firefox.
Yeah that looks like Firefox to me too
Definitely firefox
His first name is steamboat thank you very much
That’s Mr. Willie to you
Who is Willie? That’s Mickey mouse.
steamboat willie is the original version / precursor to micky mouse
His name is Mickey mouse ☝️
And he’s wearing gloves in that title card. I have seen many comments that public domain Micky has no gloves
“Copy”, she wrote
Every days great at your Junes
Cumpanies aren’t our friends!
And aren’t our families
Ugh. I hate that so much. “Welcome to your first day at ConHugeCo. We’re a family here.” No you aren’t. I don’t pay my mother a salary. I can’t fire my brother and replace him with a new brother. Also, everyone in my real family knows who I am and I’m free to ignore them when I want to.
Pirating is beautiful and moral
Good luck putting a roof over your head and feeding yourself with that attitude.
I’ve always had that attitude and never had that problem. It’s the people who think that the corporations like them and have their best interests at heart that get fucked over the most.
Ok thanks, I need someone that knows who gets fucked over the most.
Any laborer who thinks that companies are their friend is (clearly) not a socialist.
But any laborer who thinks that companies are their friend is also, quite clearly, not an ideological capitalist.
The negotiating power of labor with capital is core to the functioning of capitalism and the free market. Laborers who think the elites are their friends, and not just cold cogs of an economic machine that must be dealt with only on terms and with power balances that benefit the laborer, are not capitalists. They’re feudalists who are happy to kneel in exchange for nothing but scraps from the lord’s table.
Left or right, companies are only your friend if you’re willing to be a slave.
I don’t go to work to make friends. You sound like an artist that’s in it for the clout.
I don’t go to work to make friends.
I… that’s the point?
Are you sure you’re responding to the right comment?
Or the right thread?
You sound like an artist.
For… believing that the negotiating power of labor is central to capitalism and free exchange, as opposed to the personal relationships that are economically core to feudal systems?
What I like is they are saying we should be friends with corporations but that they also don’t go to work to make friends.
So… do they have any human friends?
Not with this attitude
It’s like an episode from a generic cartoon where they think big corp is an entity itself, with its desires and needs, and it is not ran by people/integrated by its employees. You can get so much knowing the right people than by having above average skills.
Networking has been important in my career and I like people, so I do, at least partially. Company needs both good comp and cool people to attract me if I’m going to spend time working for them.
I like the people I work with. I hang with some of them outside of work. The company can suck my dick, but the people are tight.
Actually, understanding that my company isn’t my friend has helped me put a roof over my head. If I hadn’t said “this is exploitative” and then left for a better company with higher pay, I probably wouldn’t have a roof over my head.
Remembering that companies don’t give a shit about you or your family is not the same as deciding not to work at all.
Lol, a corporate boot licker does better in your opinion?
You know that you can interact with people/organizations without befriending them?Your always going to need investment money and unless your mom, dad or friends give it to you. There’s no choice.
They’re not going to give you investment money just because you think you’re their friend. That’s not how investments work. They give you investment money because they think your idea or venture will be profitable and that they will eventually make all that money back and even more by financially supporting you now. Friendship has no part in investment nor does it have a part in any other aspect of the capitalist machinery.
I don’t understand what your point is, and your comments don’t really seem related to what you’re replying to. I don’t mean this as an insult, but is English not your first language?
You think you need to be born rich or love companies?
You know there’s a middle ground - working for a company you don’t care about for the money
Also don’t let autocorrect rule your writing. Learn the difference between your, you’re, and yaw - the computer doesn’t know which you mean very often
One thing that helps people remember is the apostrophe in “you’re” indicates it’s a contraction, shortening “you are”
Good luck accomplishing that in this economy with the assumption that companies are your friend. Watching out for your own interests is a fat cry from not working…
Exactly. Like the VP who only signed on because of a guaranteed termination package of 1M thinks the company is their “friend.” They see it for what it is, a cow that you milk for excess value, until it’s time to move on to the next pasture
You don’t need a corporation to be your friend to work for them in order to make money to mostly survive. You never have and never will. They don’t care about your friendship, they care about the value you create for them, so why should you care about anything other than what fraction of the value they’re willing to give back to you in return?
deleted by creator
There’s so much stupid in your comment it’s not even worth trying to correct it lol
Also… you kids get off my lawn!