DE: MATE+Compiz
Bar: MATE Panel
Shell: zsh with oh-my-zsh
Terminal: MATE Terminal
Launcher: MATE Compact Menu
Notifications: MATE Notification Daemon
Distro: Fedora 38
Editor: Micro
Font: Fira Code
GTK/Qt Theme: Otis
Icons: Papirus-Nord
    • Hellfire103OP
      31 year ago

      You’re not missing out on too much from MATE. If anything, I found that Cinnamon had more features.

      A few reasons I use MATE, though:

      • Freely placeable panel buttons
      • Proxy settings has “Manual” option, so I can use Tor as a system-wide proxy.
      • It doesn’t run like ass on my Acer Aspire 5742z, which has 3GB of RAM.
      • The apps that make up the MATE desktop (e.g. Pluma, Caja, Engrampa) have all the bells and whistles. This results in a slightly cluttered-looking UI, but I like it.
      • It works with Compiz, so I can have my windows wobble when I move them and burst into flames when I close them, if I so wish.
      • MATE applications support Wayland, although they’re still working on Metacity (the window manager) and a few other components, so it’s not quite a Wayland desktop yet.
      • It’s a classic. I sometimes like to install the old Ambiance and Humanity themes and pretend I’m using Ubuntu in 2009.