Hello there, I was wondering what your favorite programmer language is? Mine personally right now is C++ but I am new to it.
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I am getting pretty good at Python now. Still think it is amazing as a scientist. Pumped to learn other languages.
Python is probably the most used for science stuff, since it’s got an easier syntax, while still leveraging the performance of c through libraries.
If you know what you’re doing it can be okfast. But in most of my use cases speed is not that relevant ( I am not losing clients because my website is taking a day to load). Plus the simplicity means that it is (I mean not mine but it could be) more legible and the method therefore more transparent.
Started on C, then moved to Java. Then I explored C++, Python and have recently started to work in Angular (and Typescript). Even though I kinda hate java, it feels like home.
Sometimes I think that python would be my favorite if I just spend enough time on that though.
Kotlin has all the java stuff without the verbosity. Java feels like filling out paperwork sometimes.
I would say Ruby for syntax, but outside rails it’s not very useful. Kotlin overall, it’s much better than java while being in the java ecosystem.
Oh, and Shakespeare because it’s crazy.
Forth is a beautiful language and mindset.
Super rich feature set and convenience syntax and functions, great docs, established big ecosystem (libs etc).
Rust. That’s all you need to know.
This is all.you need to know. Rust has become the future (and a good chunk of the present) in programming.
I started on C/C++ and while I love those languages I’ve been working with Ruby/Ruby on Rails for a couple years now and I absolutely love it.
I don’t get it. It’s the slowest in the club, looks kinda ugly to me and dependency management is awkward. And then people do stuff like Asciidoctor in it. I want to imagine what Asciidoctor in Rust/Go would be like.
The syntax is great, its very expressive. Everything else kinda sucks.
- pipes rule
- it’s the default terminal language on most systems so you’re always practicing using it if you have a CLI based workflow
- it basically never changes
- it’s never going to go away ever
Posix sh for me. It runs everywhere. Only thing i miss is mimetypes support in find & co.